Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 10-12 January 2021
Jan 10
650 overslept. Strange dream – I was reliving David & Goliath story but in modern day I was a congresswoman facing off against Pelosi. Joshua 1: 9 repeating in head.
Whole body achy & stiff. Low rt back still has intense pain like I fell and bruised it deeply. Bending over causes intense pain. Moving slowly.
Lightning Survivor asked about what has helped to ease neuropathy pain.
Following article gives list of supplements that can help…
I personally take B vitamins, magnesium (500mg or more), Calcium with D3, turmeric, etc. I’ve taken alpha lipocic acid, but didn’t notice much difference at the time. One of my doctors gave me Cognitex Basics which helped with brain function too. Need to get more.
130 exhausted from morning services. Feel like I need to crash. Low back & rt hip throbbing.
315 slept maybe half hour pain kept me awake.
830 exhausted. My head feels swimmy like it’s floats in mucus.
Jan 11
750a woke late. Slept hard once I fell asleep. Could sleep longer but need to get moving.
10a sat on floor to try to help Rae with math. After little bit tailbone felt like someone hit it with a sledge hammer. Told Joe I may be injured but at least I’m still mobile. Lol.
230p realized I didn’t have my phone. Didn’t know if I dropped it in store or left at friends house. Began to panic. Tried to call hoping it was at friends house but she didn’t answer. Wasn’t sure I had right number. Went back to her house. It was there thankfully. Sigh of relief.
I’m exhausted and wanting to go home but Joe asked me to take Rae to phone store so she could get her new phone.
Need to also pick up Joe’s rx. Dr confirmed sinus infection.
All this running around is taxing on me. I’m not feeling so good myself now. Need some rest.
1150p if only my brain would let me sleep. Runny nose. Congested. Sinus pressure. Exhausted. Headache. Rt ear hurts. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs achy. Feet freezing. Hands achy & swollen.
Jan 12
830 woke from bad dream to back arms and hands stinging horribly.
1210 been trying to study for bible study tonight. Topic isn’t hardly touched on the rabbit trail I’m attempting. Want biblical aspect. Brain hurts. Eyes feel blurred and heavy. Need to rest. Lunch break
1245 headache. Brain hurts. Feet & hands cold. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Tired. Whole body aches. It’s 66 inside. Put hoodie on to warm up. Need a nap. Took Tylenol sinus. Think I might be fighting a sinus infection too.
140 trying to decide on ice breaker for tonight. Rt hand sudden feels like it’s on fire! Shake hand but sensation still there. Low back feels like ice. Pull sweatshirt down to cover it. Sensation slowly creeping up back to middle & sides.
500 getting ready for tonight. Face is flushing. Cheeks feel like they’re on fire. Headache. Sinus congestion. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Facial pressure and pain. Exhausted. Tummy feels bloated. Feet cold but not freezing. Need to lay down for bit.
1100p ladies mtg went well. Only got thru half the lesson.
Headache. Sinus congestion and pain. Stuffy nose. Rt ear hurts. Neck hurts. Chilly sensation in base of neck travels down spine to mid back. Cramping pain in lower lft abdomen. Low back & rt hip hurt. Hands swollen and throbbing. Skin feels like it’s crawling. Eyes heavy & hurt. Legs ache like I walked a mile. Feet hurt and cold.