Strength in Weakness
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 19-21 December 2020
Dec 19
Woke to extreme pain! Whole body stings. All muscles and joints stiff like they’re rusting. Low back throbbing. Hands and arms numbish and tingling. Massive headache. Lights bothersome.
Need to stretch it out to get moving.
Decided to take most of day to rest. Much pain today so not able to do much today anyways.
Washer quit working altogether. Appliance store won’t have any more until Monday afternoon. Can’t afford a brand new one. Praying for God to provide.
Center of chest has been popping off and on all day. Now it hurts horribly. Need to take anti inflammatory. I’m limited in my function so I don’t get what’s triggering it. Maybe changing dryer vent to indoors yday but I didn’t do any lifting or lift arms above head. ???
Headache moderate. Hands swollen and throbbing. Shoulders ache. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs ache. Feet freezing.
Trimmed two inches off my hair before showering. Couldn’t stand it anymore. Showering still a chore. Arms cramping. Slight dizzy spell. Legs felt weak. Need socks on feet. Sharp pains in tummy area periodically today. Tummy muscles spasming.
Dec 20
Woke tired and hurting. Bad headache. Tummy hurts. Feels very bloated. Ugh.
Had fun helping in nursery today. Trying to teach little one to use ASL for please and thank you. He’s slowly getting it.
Trouble following music today. Brain/ vision feel blurry and swirly.
1215 Joe says my face is flushed & red. Felt forehead to see if I had fever. No.
Left side of chest hurting. Exhausted. Feet freezing. Nerves sting. Sinuses congested. Face starting to feel like it’s on fire.
Took two hour afternoon nap. Could’ve slept longer but pain was too much. Sharp pain in left side chest starting to concern me. Tried to tell Joe but it didn’t I come out right. He in mtgs for couple hours. Feeling worse. +
Dec 21
Woke at 6am from strange dream. Dreamt I was getting a strange deep tissue massage on lft side. Woke during dream feeling like I was sleeping on fluffy cloud and felt rested and relaxed.
Whole body aches and stings. Both arms numbish and tingling.
Decided to put up some canning jars. Ended up cleaning out fridge. Wrapped 90% of presents. Need couple more presents and all will be well.
800p went outside to look for the “Bethlehem Star” with family. Two hands width away from partial moon. It’s in our southwest sky. It’s been 800 years since it was last seen!
Tickles my funny bone bc in Bible the Wise men looked for star in the East, but it’s in our southwest sky.
1030 trying to finish reading bible passage for today – Revelation 12-17. Page on Bible app looks as if page is rippling as I scroll up making it difficult to read. Making me dizzy.
Have bad headache. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Neck hurts. Muscle spasms in tummy. Legs ache. Feet hurt. Exhausted. Hands swollen and throbbing. Skin itchy. Back feels clammy yet chilly freezing sensation. Lft chest hurts..