Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 21-23 May 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-15 December 2020
a woke in extreme pain!!! It hurts to think about moving. Woke to Joe rubbing my back. It feels good. Joe kindly gave me a massage with pain relief rub. It eased pain slightly.
Joe kindly gathered everything together for taking to church for our church family Christmas dinner. I’m moving slowly today. Joe had Dezirae help me roll my hair. I was in a hurry so after my arms rested a little. I told her to go get ready and I’ll finish. Took morning meds & pain rx.
200 morning services went well. I’m exhausted and wore out. Body is stinging throbbing. I need to crash.
500 Joe woke me from nap. Could’ve slept longer. I feel so weak, exhausted, and hurting.
1030 watched couple movies with family. Hardly moved. Headache. Extremely fatigued. Whole body throbbing pain.
Night meds taken, cbd capsule, and pain rx.
Night meds include: propranolol, magnesium, turmeric, zyrtec, fish oil, & vitamin c
Dec 14
600a woke to sharp stabbing pain in chest!! Applied pain roller liberally to cover chest. Laid back down. Eyes heavy and having hard time keeping them open. Fell back asleep.
As eo pain rub began working it almost felt like menthol working…like when you suck on menthol cough drop except in my chest. Weird but felt good.
700a chest pain has eased but whole body hurts and it’s hard to move. Standing feels like walking on egg shells. Ouch!
Read Revelation 7-11.
Washed three loads clothes. Had kids carry basket to clothes line and I hung two loads.
Decided to order 4×6 family photos to put in Christmas cards. Found 50% off coupon. Yay! Love finding deals.
Messaged Joe’s siblings to verify their addresses. Quickly learned that I’ve been out of the loop for the past three years. Kind of frustrating but funny too. I thought his one brother was still working on his house. Learned he’s been done for four years. Ouch!
600p took kids Christmas shopping. Store didn’t have what I wanted to get my person. Bummer. Had to look for something else. Had fun spending time with Joe. Had to get his input for 2nd gift for kids. Still have no idea what I’m getting him for Christmas. What he really wants is out of our budget. Also got the food items I needed for finger foods for our church family Christmas party on Wednesday. Want to attempt making Sausage Pepper Wontons. Looks simple. We’ll see.
830 I’m wore out. Legs are wobbly and throbbing. Walked behind buggy in store. Periodic sharp shooting pains in legs.
1030 remembered I was suppose to work on Christmas cards to put in mail tomorrow. Started working on them. Getting sleepy. Whole body aches moderately fierce. Only got 1 load clothes folded.
Night meds taken, pain rx taken, cbd capsule taken, eo pain roller applied to chest.
Dec 15
Joe called out today due to migraine. Whole body stiff and achy upon waking. Feet hurt to stand on at first.
Busy day. Dezirae had dentist apt. Next she treated us to get our nails done. Saw that Coffee monster was practically next door so I treated us to drinks. Stopped at Dollar Tree on way home.
Exhausted and hurting from running around decided to rest while watching movie. Only I had trouble sitting still bc of caffiene. Chose to work on cutting out thank you notes and bookmakers. Decided to make homemade breads
In much pain. Past. wore out.+