“Missing in Action” – Coronavirus hit our home

I apologize for being incognito for a while. I had testing done at the beginning of the month (January 2021). The additional stress from the testing put me down for a few days. I will share information about the testing in a later post.

A week later the coronavirus hit our home which put our family in quarantine for two weeks. I got hit the worse, but am slowly recovering. Thankfully, none of us had to make a hospital trip. A positive note is that we’ve hopefully developed the antibodies.

We took lots of Vitamin C, Zinc, & Echinacea, while staying hydrated. Several friends dropped off soups, stews, and food to help keep us going while quarantining. One friend even bought us a can of disinfectant spray to kill the virus. What a blessing!

I’ve seen several people saying that they did odd projects around the house to utilize the time at home. We must have had a moderate case because none of us had the energy to do much of anything. For us, it was like getting a bad case of the flu – including but not limited to: sinus congestion, cough, fever, headache, lethargy, muscle aches and pains, sore throat, smelling funky smells that aren’t there, etc. It was weird for me because some of those same symptoms I deal with on a regular basis already due to my lightning strike injuries. I am finally starting to feel a little better and am looking forward to working on attempting to catch up on things around the home.

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