If I remember correctly, it’s not proper speaking etiquette to begin your speech with an apology, but oh well. I apologize for not being on lately. My world has been topsy-turvy the last couple weeks or so.
About two weeks ago I overdid it with my activities including putting up letters on a bulletin board at church. I was already hurting more than normal, but was by bedtime every inch of me was hurting extremely!!!
When I hurt this bad, I do not sleep well nor do I even feel like eating. I did manage to drink a smoothie because I know I at least need sustenance. I do make sure that my kids are taken care of for the most part. They are such a big help and have been very supportive through this life change. I thank the Lord for my miracle children every day even on the days that they frustrate me so.
Anyways, I when I overdo it I’m usually down for the count for several days. When I saw down for the count, I mean chores go undone, kids make the meals, and I am usually in bed or on the couch curled up with a heating pad, a bottle of my homemade pain roller blend, and most likely have to take pain pills more than I would like to just until the pain subsides enough that I can at least ignore it momentarily.
Last week, I attempted to harvest and can pumpkin, but had issues with not only my strength and stamina but also my pressure canner. What a mess that day turned out to be !! I’ll share that story later.
I went to a brain injury support group session today so my brain hurts from the extra activity. I need to rest for now, but I will do my best to update more posts tomorrow. Until then…
P.S. Thank you for sticking with me on this journey, I pray that it is not only a blessing to someone else but maybe also helping someone else out along the way.