August 20, 2017
9:50am – woke up late. I forgot to set the alarm, I hurt all over, headache. When I close my eyes, I see kaleidoscopes with many colors – making me feel dizzy. Woke up tired.
3.40pm – Muscles in my left foot are fluttering. Head hurts when I lay flat. I’m exhausted, but headache is gone for now.
August 21, 2017
Woke up hurting. Muscle spams in back.
I can feel the rattling of the thunder in my back. Took pain rx before noon. Need to take another. Left foot feels funny. have had to use bathroom more than normal.
Thought I was feeling fairly decent and decided to change my bed sheets, wash them and remake my bed. That was a mistake! I hurt so bad by end of day I was sobbing!
My husband put me in an Epsom salt bath to ease the muscle pain and then iced my back. While I was in tub, my left elbow felt like the end was ripped off and gushing blood, but nothing was wrong with it. My skin is really ashy. I’m really thirsty. Joe massaged my back with lotion and then iced it down.
I took both a pain Rx and a muscle relaxer before bed. Hurt so bad I couldn’t fall asleep until after 12:30am.
August 22, 2017
Once I fell asleep, I actually slept all night. Woke with a headache and still hurting but not to the point of crying. Could hardly move. I’m so tired. Left elbow hurts. Eyes watery. Stuffy nose. Feel weak.
5:15pm – So much to do to help get our eldest son, Jakob, ready for college. We leave on Friday. I’m not ready. I’ve overdone it and can hardly move. Ugh! Lord, please help me.
11:06pm – Headache finally eased somewhat. Thankful that one day my trials will all be over. Don’t know why, but I’m craving oranges like crazy!