September 24, 2017
8:16a- Woke up with tailbone throbbing. I’m exhausted already. No energy today.
10:10a- Icy sensation in middle of chest. Feel scatterbrained. Trouble focusing.
2:09p- Tailbone hurts!!! Pain Rx not touching it. Muscles in upper back are burning, twitching, and hurts. Butt muscles hurt. Tired, but can’t sleep. Heart beating hard. Middle of chest hurts.
2:47 – posted on Facebook –
Everyone has a “giant” in their life or a storm they face. Sadly, many allow that giant to defeat them on a daily basis.
I have a GOD who is BIGGER than any giant in my life or your life for that matter. He can perform miracles if we only allow Him.
I may be struggling with difficulties because of recent events. There are many days that it is a chore to push forward to even get out of bed.
Yes, I am willing to admit that I have had several days that I feel defeated because there are many things that I just cannot do right now. I even have my moments that all I can do is cry.
What does one do when their trials seem to be more than enough? You lean on the Everlasting Arms of the Heavenly Father. He will carry you through.
Deuteronomy 33:27
“The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms:”
I believe without a shadow of a doubt that GOD WILL perform the miracle that only He can do. God will make this trial a blessing.
“Being confident of this very thing,
that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of
Jesus Christ:”
6:10p- Shortly after chest started hurting it turned to icy sensation from inside out. Loud noises hurt my ears. Hard to concentrated. Slide presentation was way too loud for me causing an extremely sharp pain in brain that hurt so bad it brought automatic tears to eyes. Instant headache!!! I had to leave the room! Random hiccups.
10:49p- Extreme pain in tailbone area. used heating pad for 30 min. Sensitive to sounds I didn’t notice before – have to investigate to figure out what it is. Very tired, but can’t sleep. Don’t think I drank enough today. I’m thirsty now