Journal Entry Sept 23, 2017

September 23, 2017

8:00a – burnt my left foot trying to cook breakfast.  Making grits – tried stirring and hand slipped causing hot water to spill out onto floor and hit my foot.  Lavender oil to the rescue & Joe too.

10:19a- Face and entire inside of rt arm itches.  Horrible headache.  Rt hip throbbing.

12:53p- can feel my heart beating hard. Headache has eased slightly.

1:27p- hung shower curtain liner now I’m exhausted and muscles in back are spazzing

2:30p- Mom took me to get rx and some groceries.  Took me forever to make decisions on what to buy even though I had a list.  Wore out from trip.  Muscles spams in back most of day until I soaked in Epsom Salt Bath.  Muscles twitching inside of lft hand.  Headache finally gone.

*In case you’re wondering… Yes, I know there are a lot of grammatical errors. I wanted you to know how my brain was processing things. It will take quite a while before I actually begin thinking in correct grammar. Not only am I dealing with what happened and the lasting effects, but also my brain is quite mixed up at present and it’s difficult to actually speak what I’m thinking. Most of the time it comes out jumbled, backwards, or not even what I was thinking. It is very frustrating at times.

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