September 19, 2017
2:20am – Jerked awake, muscles ache and hurt. Muscles twitching. Right hip hurts.
4:00am – Jerked awake from bad dream. Extremely hot. Feel like I’m burning up. Whole body aches, extremely thirsty.
7:00am – Headaches, legs, and feet throbbing. rest of body aches, stuffy nose.
10:00am – Lost control of my left hand and dropped my cell phone.
2:39 – Upper back muscles are burning, right hip throbbing, headache gone, got confused preparing lesson for tomorrow, exhausted, need to rest, trouble reading today.
September 20, 2017
7:00a- woke up with horrible headache
11:05a- ringing in right ear – last for a moment then gone. Got confused on signs I should know. Stuttering. Exhausted and need to rest.
3:45p – Can’t figure out how to open rice bag. Had to get help.
4:50p- headache worse. Sounds & lights are bothering me. Neck hurts. Fiber endings ache.
8:00p- sharp, tingling sensation in middle of shoulder blades, headache has eased slightly
8:45p – icy sensation from inside center of chest.
September 21, 2017
2:20a- woke to use restroom. Still have slight headache. Lower back hurts. Extremely thirsty.
6:30a- both calf muscles cramping. Lower back throbbing. Very tired. Slight headache. Stuffy nose and trouble breathing. Very thirsty. Rt hip hurts. Eyes watering.
8:30a- cried today because I don’t want to be a burden to my husband and family. Need to meditate on Scripture more. Lights bright bother my eyes. Have to make lists to get things done.
12:43p- muscles in back feel like they’re on fire and cramping. Butt muscles throbbing. Feel scatterbrained today.
3:30p – left knee popped twice, whole body aches awful, feel like I’m burning up, but have no fever.
6:14p- Sharp pain in left forearm!!! Tailbone throbbing like I fell and bruised it, but I haven’t fallen.
11:45p- muscles spazzing, rt leg cramping…gonna be a long night!
Philippians 4:6-7
Be careful