Journal Entry 10.14-15.2017

October 14, 2017

7:30a- woke up late..trouble falling asleep to stinging needle feeling in back

10:00a- not very stable on feet, dizzy a little, hands ache, upper back aches, headache, heart beating hard, tried, rt hip hurts, trouble with thoughts and talking

1:54p- taking a nap

3:30p- muscles all over tingly and hurting, hard to move when I hurt like this, took D.E. when I got up – took avout an hour before muscle spams started easing.  Think D.E. & Plexus Nerve helping most.

10:44p – finally going to bed.  Muscles ache all over, slight headache.  Most anything to do takes a lot longer cuz my thought process is slower.  I forget a lot & get confused easily.  Determined to keep moving forward even if I’m just a turtle on the fence.

October 15, 2017

4:00a- woke up from an unpleasant dream

7:30a- blew my nose and my right ear cracked now it’s hurting

8:00a- headache, rt hip throbbing, I don’t feel well, tired.

9:45a- had to go lay down fir a few minutes before services.  I don’t feel well at all.

10:28p- rt hip throbbing with pain down leg to foot, muscles cramping in leg

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