October 17, 2017
8:30a- hands tingly & achy, ache all over
7:45 – had trouble staying focused even with a list, muscles cramping in calves, feel like I’m in a gof/tunnel, icy sensation from inside out in center of chest. I just don’t feel myself.
10:30- went to bed at 9:30 and still wide awake. Leg muscles cramping, back hurts, shaky, slight headache, tired and wore out feeling, but trouble going to sleep.
Started taking a different muscle relaxer a couple of week ago… having nightmares now and wake up with heart beating hard! I don’t like the side effects. Muscle spasms are worse when rx wears off. Called dr to see if I can get a different muscle relaxer. Dr called in a different subscription – Flexeril. I know I can take this without too many negative side effects.