November 20, 2017
5:08a – Woke from a weird dream (Hope)… Nerves in my back, left side, and right lower leg feel like they are on fire. Can’t go back to sleep.
6:18- Changes in my nerve pain could indicate that my nerves are starting to heal.
11:38a- Eyes and brain feel like their getting blurry after trying to help clean house. Need to rest a while.
Chilly sensation on back of neck that travels down neck region. Random muscle twitching in left buttocks region.
November 21, 2017
7:27a- Woke from crazy dream…someone stole our truck from our country property, and I tried chasing them down on foot…ended up in Arkansas
Whole body aches/hurts. Low back throbbing. Hands pins and needles sensation.
Eyes blurry and watery. Slight headache. Heart feels like its beating hard.
7:36a- I’m adding coconut oil back into my diet.
*Please note that when posting links to other websites I’m merely sharing information that I have found that may or may not help. I am just trying to figure out explanations and how to help ease the pain or symptoms that I personally am experiencing.