November 24, 2017
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
7:53a- Woke up in not as much pain as I thought I would. Center of chest throbbing. Lower back throbbing. Hands have pins and needles sensation. Legs ache a little. Upper back is sore. Headache is gone. Yeah!
2:30p- Lower body cold. Face feels hot and is flushed looking. Feel like I have a fever, but don’t.
10:48p- Lower back throbbing. Right hip throbbing. Tired. Brain mildly hurts. Eyes hurt. Hot. Center of chest starting to hurt.
November 25, 2017
8:51a- Crazy dream. Middle and lower back throbbing like a toothache. Not feeling too healthy. Running a low grade fever. Eyes are red on edges. Face is feeling flushed. Rt hip aches.
November 26, 2017
6:56a- Crazy dream. Lower back throbbing, rt hip throbbing, hand have pins and needles sensation. Stuffy nose.
10:09a- Eyes blurry. Nose area slightly swollen. Head hurts. Spot/indentation on head hurts. Rt foot aches and has pins and needles sensation.
11:21a- Trouble focusing to play piano. Got flustered and felt face flushing. Shaky. Hands and feet have pins and needles sensation. Hands ache. It’s like my hands and eyes are struggling to coordinate with each other.
11:47- Nose started bleeding out of no where. Able to catch it before it ran everywhere. Cramping in left leg. Little dizzy. Pins and needles sensation climbing up arms to elbow.
3:30p- 2nd nose bleed today after focusing on the computer for 30 minutes.
6:58p- 3rd nose bleed during church. Feel week.
8:40p- Hurt to swallow just now. Felt like swallowing razor blade. Ouch! I’m freezing.
10:39p- Woke up suddenly sick to stomach. Vomited. Heart racing. Feel week. Sour stomach. Yucky taste in mouth.