Pain pulsating in back, lower legs, and feet throbbing, hands have pins and
needles sensation. Woke up
exhausted. Neck hurts.
8:02a- Isaiah 53:4-5 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Thankful that Jesus loved me so
much that He was willing to endure much suffering and agony that I might be
able to choose everlasting life.
12:17p- Trouble walking first
thing this morning – sharp pain in left heal.
Lasted about 30 minutes or so.
Tried to start planning curriculum for next year…focused about a broken
up hour before eyes start getting blurry, brain foggy, and brain hurts.
Back hurts, toes cold and chilly,
fingers pins and needles sensation, hands ache, very tired.
3:45p- Kids got clean bill of health at dentist today.
While getting in the car, one of them admitted they were nervous because they
had forgotten to brush at night a few times.
To which the other replied, “Who doesn’t
forget to brush their teeth at night?”
I replied, “Me.”
First child says, ” That’s funny! Our mom
who struggles remembering things right now. Remembers to brush her teeth every
night.” LOL!
11:14p- Horrible, aweful cramping
on left side of torso!!! Joe made told me to drink pickle juice. YUCK!
I ate two pickles instead and used heating pad for a while.
7:19a- Psalms
23:2 He maketh me to lie down in green
pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
that the Lord gives us challenges in order for us to grow. All the while, He is
there the time guiding, nurturing, and protecting.
Stinging needles pain in upper back.
Skin feels flushed and is hot to the touch.
Tired. Neck hurts. Head hurts. Rt hip
hurts. Out of breath. Forgetfulness…finally paid phone bill 5 days
late. Ugh!
29, 2017
Psalms 37:7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him:
fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man
who bringeth wicked devices to pass.
that I have faith in the Lord who gives me hope beyond my circumstances and a
peace that passes all understanding.
Neck hurts. Rt hip throbbing. Headache.
Mildly achey all over. Beginning
to feel flushed.
6:05a- BP 143/79 hr 77
Head hurts. Legs hurt. Low back aches. Hands ache.
Tired. Eyes watering.
Crazy dream about riding a bike and accidentally hitting
back end of semi-truck. Messed up both
tires and had to get new ones.
6:36a- It warms the heart to hear children get excited
during the song service at church.
10:42p – In spite of feeling a bit under the weather lately, I
hit a milestone today in recovery…I was able to make my bed without help
today. I was a bit out of breath afterwards, but with God’s help I did it.
Thank you, Lord!
Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.
6:10p- Head hurting on left side. Had Dezirae check. Actually have two sores. Took pictures. Had her clean them with peroxide. *I think they may be related to the lightning
injury. Most think I’m silly for
thinking so.
10:20p- Face is feeling flushed.
Decided to check BP 147/100 hr 86.
Have horrible burning indigestion.
Took Ranitidine 150 mg.
10:54p- Rt hip throbbing.
Skin is itchy. Eyes
watering. Lower back achy. Stuffy nose.
Feet and lower legs ache and have pins and needles sensation.
November 28, 2017
7:19a- Psalms
23:2 He maketh me to lie down in green
pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
that the Lord gives us challenges in order for us to grow. All the while, He is
there the time guiding, nurturing, and protecting.
Stinging needles pain in upper back.
Skin feels flushed and is hot to the touch.
Tired. Neck hurts. Head hurts. Rt hip
hurts. Out of breath. Forgetfulness…finally paid phone bill 5 days
late. Ugh!
It has been said that writing something out is the memory
equivalent to reading it seven times.
Research shows that while reading allows for better concentration,
writing things out actually increases understanding and retention.
When we determine to meditate on Scripture we are choosing to allow it to penetrate into our thoughts, minds, and hearts. Committing to spending a little time each day to write out selected scripture passages will aid in penetrating God’s Word deep in your heart.
What is
Scripture Journaling?
2 Timothy 2:15 says “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Studying your Bible is more than simply reading it every day. It is purposefully meditating upon specific passages, thinking about its meaning, and how you can apply it to your life.
Scripture Journaling is simply keeping a record of the
spiritual lessons you learn as you study the Scriptures.
What Items are
Monthly Scripture Journaling Plan
Spiral Notebook or 3 ring binder with loose leaf
The easiest way to begin Scripture Journaling is to print
out a monthly Scripture plan; get a spiral notebook or a 3 ring binder with
loose leaf paper and a ball point pen that won’t bleed thru the paper; and a
safe place to keep it. You can keep it
as simple as you want or you can get as fancy as you want and design your own
covers. This is your journal…make it
I personally began my journey with Scripture writing because
of my brain injury. For many years, I
have had a goal to read the Bible through on a yearly basis.
Prior to my being struck by lightning, I had a goal of
reading several books during the year. I
loved to read and I used this to expand my horizons.
After my lighting strike, I not only struggled to remember
things among other after effects, but also struggled to focus on things for
very long. I was still able to read my
Bible, but reading anything else was very difficult. It bothered me that I could read a specific
passage of Scripture in the morning, but later if my husband asked me what I
had read about I could not remember.
I began researching ways to help me remember things better
and ways to help encourage my brain to heal.
I found that Scripture Journaling helped me to focus on what I was
reading as well as helped me to retain what I had read for longer periods of
Right now my journal is simple. It’s a place where I write down my thoughts
as I study out specific passages of the Bible.
It’s where I keep record of how I feel God is working in my heart and
life at that precise time. It helps me
to connect the Scriptures to everyday life events and circumstances.
How do I
get started?
1. Pray for God to speak to you as you read the selected
passage that day.
2. Write out the specific passage of Scripture chosen for
that day.
3. Write any truths of the Scripture that stood out to you.
4. Write any questions you may have about the passage.
4. Write how you can
apply the passage to your life at this moment.
Remember that Scripture Journaling is just a tool to help
you as you develop or deepen in your walk with the Saviour. This is a time to meditate upon Scriptures,
express yourself, seek out truths of the Scripture, and learn how to deepen
your walk with God.
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
7:53a- Woke up in not as much
pain as I thought I would. Center of
chest throbbing. Lower back
throbbing. Hands have pins and needles
sensation. Legs ache a little. Upper back is sore. Headache is gone. Yeah!
2:30p- Lower body cold. Face feels hot and is flushed looking. Feel like I have a fever, but don’t.
10:48p- Lower back
throbbing. Right hip throbbing. Tired.
Brain mildly hurts. Eyes hurt.
Hot. Center of chest starting to
November 25, 2017
8:51a- Crazy dream. Middle and lower back throbbing like a
toothache. Not feeling too healthy.
Running a low grade fever. Eyes are red
on edges. Face is feeling flushed. Rt hip aches.
November 26, 2017
6:56a- Crazy dream. Lower back throbbing, rt hip throbbing, hand
have pins and needles sensation. Stuffy nose.
10:09a- Eyes blurry. Nose area slightly swollen. Head hurts.
Spot/indentation on head hurts.
Rt foot aches and has pins and needles sensation.
11:21a- Trouble focusing to play
piano. Got flustered and felt face
flushing. Shaky. Hands and feet have pins and needles
sensation. Hands ache. It’s like my hands and eyes are struggling to
coordinate with each other.
11:47- Nose started bleeding out
of no where. Able to catch it before it
ran everywhere. Cramping in left
leg. Little dizzy. Pins and needles sensation climbing up arms
to elbow.
3:30p- 2nd nose bleed
today after focusing on the computer for 30 minutes.
6:58p- 3rd nose bleed
during church. Feel week.
8:40p- Hurt to swallow just
now. Felt like swallowing razor
blade. Ouch! I’m freezing.
10:39p- Woke up suddenly sick to
stomach. Vomited. Heart racing.
Feel week. Sour stomach. Yucky taste in mouth.
*Please note that when posting links to other websites I’m merely sharing information that I have found that may or may not help. I am just trying to figure out explanations and how to help ease the pain or symptoms that I personally am experiencing.
9:33a- Had crazy dream last night. Lower back hurts. Woke up excited. We’re having Thanksgiving Dinner at church
today. I love turkey. Hands ache, feet pins n needles, mixing up
4:44p- Just learned that taking too much Niacin (B3)
can cause nausea and skin flushing.
Going to back off on B Complex vitamins to see if that will help.
8:38p- Indigestion.
Center of chest icy hot throbbing.
Rt hips hurts.
10:00p- Niacin flush = intense flushing or “prickly
heat” sensation to the face and upper body, usually 15-30 minutes.
6:01a- Woke with a slightly
bloody nose rt side, stuffy & congested.
6:27a- “I will lift up mine eyes
unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
8:30a- Bloody nose got
worse. Now feel weak &
lightheaded. Bp 135/105 rt 88
3:42p – I’ve always thought of candy corn as a Thanksgiving treat.
Can’t even find it now! Ugh!
10:15p – I think I’m going make a button to wear that says, “I
survived being struck by lightning”.
I get lots of staring eyes when people see me riding around the store in a
wheelchair. Their whole attitude changes when we tell them why.
I get that I look healthy on the outside, but that
doesn’t mean I don’t deal with neuropathic pain every day on the inside. I’m
fighting through the pain to get better and making notes along the way. Some
days are better than others, but it’s going to be a
long road to recovery.
I’ve shed many tears through the pain especially on
the difficult days. I’ve even learned to laugh at myself. Though I don’t know
the reason for this trial, He is the Rock that I lean on when I am overwhelmed
(Psalm 62:1).
I know that God has a purpose and a plan for all
things for His glory (Romans 8:28).
I’ve already seen God’s grace at work through this trial
and for that I am truly blessed.