January 6, 2018
8:33a- tried to fuss at guys for leaving lid off sugar. Instead I said, “You guys need to remember to put the sugar back on the Crisco.” To which they just busted up laughing!
7:53p- Took 3 hour nap from noon to 3pm. Sharp tingly pain in upper back. Minor ache in rt hip.
11:20p- Slight headache after working on bulletin for church tomorrow. Had to take a break from it part way through.
Sharp tingly pain in upper back. Buttock hurts. Rt hip achey. Feet freezing even though I’ve had socks on all day. Hands and wrists swollen and achey.
January 8, 2018
8:00a- Rough night! Excruciating pain especially in upper chest and back!!! Hurt all over. Raining all night.
But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me. Psalm 66:19-20
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
Thankful for the freedom of prayer. It is not limited to a specific time or place. Prayer connects us with our Heavenly Father who wants to give us real joy even in the midst of our trials and pain.
9:00a- Started stretching exercises today… Able to do the following: 10 squats; 5 wall push-ups; 15 side lying leg lifts – right; 15 side lying leg lifts – left; 10 butt bridges; 15 claps over head; 10 second plank.
1:26p- Janet, a friend,, asked how I was doing today.
The Lord surely has blessed. I’m thankful to be alive and for God’s faithfulness and mercy.
I’m probably at about 35%. Some days I’m in excruciating pain, but other days its’ manageable. Most doctor’s don’t know have a clue how to help except manage symptoms. I’m determined to find natural resources to manage pain.
My biggest challenge right now is mentally – overcoming the brain damage – cognitive issues, focus & attention issues, frequent headaches, dizziness, some blurred vision, etc.
I’m clinging to the hope that God will heal me 100%, but I also know that it will take patience, perseverance, and lots of homework.
2:21p- Huge Praise! Just made our last car payment!! Woohoo!!! God is good! #feelsgoodtopayoffadebt
7:06p- I’m hurting… Both hands and wrists swollen. Upper chest and back have sharp pain.