July 19, 2018
6:40a – woke up freezing, odd dreams, lft ear ringing, low back throbbing, stomach hurts, headache
11:14p – headache most of day – had ro take migraine rx to ease it. Brain foggy & blurry, lft ear ringing, calves cramping, pms, hands tingly, lower back throbbing, tired, dizzy today. Closed eyes a couple of times and I could see colidiscopes twirling on back of eyelids
July 20, 2018
Had trouble sleeping last night. Joe got called into work today.
Low back hurting. Calf muscles aching. Rt ear hurts. Lft ear ringing.
6:15 – Lower back throbbing. Headaches. Rt ear hurts. Eyes hurt. Exhausted. Hands hurt. Trouble with focus. Memory problems. Having trouble losing grip and dropping things.
July 21, 2018
Today’s blooper
Dezirae tapped my arm with Jakob’s charger while Jakob was asking someone to plug it into the charger. Joe told Dezirae to say something don’t just tap Mom’s arm. I reiterated by saying, “Yeah, Dezirae say something don’t just tap my arm you’ll make me jump a mile hour.” Joe immediately cracked up laughing.
I then knew I said it wrong. LOL! I meant to say a mile high.