Aug 21
Very lethargic feeling most of day. Over tired.
4:00p took Bp at walmart. 117/74. Feeling a little better.
Rt side of neck hurts. Rt hip throbbing. Rt ear aches. Left neck lymph node still swollen. Upper back hurts. Ears rining off and on all day. Toes freezong right now. Hands keep going numb & tingly.
Aug 23
8.07 Rough night. Back hurts, rt elbow hurts, chest hurts, feet tingly, head hurts, exhausted, bottom of feet hurt, stuffy nose & congested. Cramping in rt side. Hands tingly. Rt wrist hurts.
12.35p Felt half way decent today. Washed several loads of clothes, puttied hole in door…overdid it. My rt hip throbbing, rt arm to elbow is slowen and throbbing, low back hurts. Headache slightly. Both calves cramping. Hands tingly and numbing. Chest hurts.
Aug 24
Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Thankful for God’s ceaseless love and care for us.
8.35a Had a rough night. Bones kept cracking when I tossed & turned to try to get comfortable. It hurt.
My whole body aches and pains right now. Hands swollen and achy. Feet & lower legs tingly and aching. Rt side of neck feels tight and aches. Low back throbbing. Rt hip area aches. Eyes crusty and blurry. Rt eye twitching. Rt elbow swollen and throbbing.
5.30p Praise! My Dr applied for applied for prescription assistance for me to get help with my newest bp medicine. I was approved for one year! Praising the Lord!
6.30 A peek in the window of a lightning survivor’s world…
So…I’ve been trying to work on setting up a website/blog since April to document my recovery in an effort to help others as well. I have purchased a book, tried to read the book, watched youtube videos, etc and it still seems like Greek to me.
I thought I was making a little progress today until I hit the wrong button and messed it all up. Now I’m trying to fix it, but I can’t remember how I did it in the first place. Ugh!
Time to take a much-needed break and try again later. Praying for the Lord’s wisdom in setting up the website/blog.