Journal Entries Aug 25-27, 2018

Aug 25

Rt leg cramped when I stood up. Decided to rub it to get it to stop. Found knot on back of rt knee.

Aug 26

Bp this morning 115/83. During morning services started to not feel so good – not feeling right, weak, tired, dizzy. Felt off most of day. Took 2 hour nap after lunch. 

Worked on sorting SS material. Shortly after I stood up, my nose began to bleed. Checked bp when got home – 130/83

Now tired, but having trouble falling asleep. 

Rt ear aches, jaw hurts, hands numb & tingling, low back & rt hip throbbing. Feet feel tingly. Slight headache. Lft lymph node in neck still quite swollen. Congested.  Rt elbow quite swollen and throbbing.  

Aug 27

12.16p- Praise! I had Dr visit today to follow up on my blood pressure. Dr was pleased with my results. I also get to start working on getting off the night time blood pressure medicine.
Thank you, Lord, for your grace is sufficient!

1:05pm-Woke with headache, low back & rt hip throbbing, hands swollen and achy, dizzy, unstable on feet, slightly nauseous.

3:55pm-put away Joe’s clothes on dresser…calves are throbbing & cramping! Must stop & rest awhile. Tears are leaking out. Butt muscles throbbing.

10:30pm- calves cramping – hurts horribly, upper back pins and burning, low back hurts, indigestion, burping, congested, rt elbow aching, rt hip hurts, trouble falling asleep

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