October 13
Decent day.
Jakob home for weekend. Family dinner at Mom’s. Bulletin. Soulwinning.
Back throbbing. It almost feels like it has a fever. Calves throbbing. Feet hurt. Tired. Hands
swollen and achy. Headache. Neck hurts.
October 14
3am- woke with terrible tummy ache. Had diarrhea for about an hour. Ugh!
7:00am- didn’t want to get up soo tired. Whole body feels achy. Headache.
11:10am- had to run out of service to go to bathroom…tummy hurting horribly again.
3pm- bloody nose without warning while on phone with mom. Feeling weak and shaky.
5:00p- laid down in nursery for 30 minutes to rest.
9:00p- still not feeling well. Going to bed early.
October 15
4:00a- woke thinking I overslept. Whole body hurts.
7:47a- devotions. Low back throbbing. Hands and wrists swollen and achy. Feet, toes, and
ankles tingly and aching. Upper back aching. Left hand shaky. Stuffy nose. Crusty eyes. Headache.