October 19
Huge praise!!! But for the grace of God, my blog is now live! I’ve been working on it since April. Trying to figure it all out is still like learning Greek to me, but as I am able I will continue to add to it.
It’s my healing journey from being struck by lightning. www.charitymaeprosper.com
Watch this 8-part series on how to strengthen and heal your brain. It’s completely free and 100% life changing. www.brokenbrain.com
October 20
I’m tired of journaling my symptoms but I know if I don’t I won’t remember when things happen plus it helps me track my progress
6:30a – woke in much pain…I hurt all over. My hands feel like their on fire. They are throbbing so. Random shooting pain in my legs. Headache. Low back aches. Arms ache. Neck sore on rt side. Rt ear randomly ringing.
9:36a-I do not want to get up today, but I have lots to do…prepare food to put in crockpots for lunch at church after soul winning, etc. Lord, I need Your help to move today. Thinking about fudging on my caffeine free diet just to have energy to go. Took my meds this am, but I still have no energy.
9:47a – Thought prayer answered today. I prayed for one pumpkin. God had two pumpkins given to us. PTL!!!
11:30 – didn’t put water in crockpots – food not cooking. Have to cook items on stove. Cramp in rt side of neck trying to turn gas off on stove.