Nov 1 2018
1:30 woke in extreme pain. Took naproxen
5:30 woke in more pain
7:00 stormy weather tornado warning power went out hurt so bad it’s hard to move rain rain go away you make my body hurt
750 Days like this cause extreme pain in this earthly body!! Thankful to be alive and for His tender mercies (Lamentations 3:22-23). Looking for the blessed Hope of His appearing.

10:30 still no power. Joe wants to go to church to check on things there. Contacted church people to make sure they’re all okay. They are.
11:00 – heading to church…surprised at damage around us in even our neighborhood. Two neighbors mailboxes were either knocked over or completely missing. Branches and debri all over the place. We had limb knocked down & Jordon’s BBall goal mangled😢 just in time for bball season.
11:30 – arrived at church. Trim on mission house messed up some but fixable. No other damage. Worked on bulletin board for a while. Took me two hours just to take it down and put up a fall border…worked until pain got more than tolerable then took break until it subsided. Now to decide what words. Tried to lay down in nursery to rest, but remembered the broken brain docu series…tried for a while to watch & take notes…had trouble with feed as well as understanding words being said…had to repeat sections several times to get what was being said…ran out of time. Ugh!
11:53p- in lots of pain…stinging needle pain in upper back, feet freezing, neck hurts, neck cramping when I yawn, fingers stinging, eyes watery, low back throbbing, legs feel thight, headache, sharp pain in tip of tongue Took night supplements, naproxen, and melatonin. Hope to fall asleep not only but also stay asleep. I’m exhausted.
12:43 3 things I’m thankful for Christ’s love for me, my family, my salvation
Nov 2
I didn’t fall asleep till after 1:30 a.m. woke up at 8:15 tired right arm was numb left hand was tingly legs all back hurts exhausted whole body hurts nose stuffy eyes watery hot but my feet are cold my tongue hurts horribly melatonin last night but didn’t fall asleep until shortly after I thought of three things I was thankful for time to see what the day will bring
8:50 checked my tongue in the mirror it has weird round white looking circle e bumps and it hurts really bad.
10:00 coconut oil pulling to help heal my tongue.
10:39 friend called to ask question ended telling her about tongue suggested theives or clovers. Brewed cup of hot tea with thieves. Enjoyed immensely. Pain diminished almost immediately
12:00 took walk with sister, mom & kids enjoyed talking with neighbors. Came home and sat a while to rest.
4:45 went to friends house for dinner date. Enjoyed the sweet fellowship. Benefits of red raspberry herbal tea It’s leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals B, C, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and more. benefits include… balancing hormones, ease menstrual discomfort, aids in digestion, treats cardiovascular issues, boosts immune system, reduces inflamation, etc.
11:23 I’m tired and hurting. Back is throbbing. Rt hip aches a litre. Hands swollen and achy. Slight headache. Light nosebleed.
Nov 3
7:00 – slept good last night. Don’t hurt as bad today. Tongue still splotchy, but doesn’t hurt as bad.
10:00 soulwinning today we went today we went to the area of Pecan Festival today we went to the area of Pecan Festival to pass out tracks. was able to walk but then had to sit on the ground to rest because my right hip started throbbing and legs started feeling like LED balloons
1:00p I’m exhausted feel like I need to crash for a while I’m going to go lay down for an hour or so ringing in my left ear eyes hurt right hip throbbing extremely exhausted
2:00 nap only lasted half an hour
3:00 kids went with grandma and Aunt to a Trump rally in Pensacola I decided to sweep the front porch now I’m out of breath and exhausted. Worked on bulletin for a little bit
6:20 Joe came home from work. We went on dinner date. I enjoy when I get Joe to myself for a little bit. Tried to go on hospital visit bc someone had emergency surgery today, but we’re told no visitor’s right now. We’ll try again another day.
12:00am shouldes hurt, jaw hurts, chest hurts especially rt side, rt hip throbbing, low back aches, hands hurt