2019 Jan 17-18
Jan 17
9:15a- woke to legs cramping, lower back throbbing, hands and arms swollen and hurting, cotton mouth, head hurts, lft ear ringing
11:30a- sharp pain on rt side of head. Touched area where it was hurting. Cyst popped.
7:23p- face feels flushed & hot. Throat is scratchy. Chest is starting to throb.
11:00p- wide awake. Sharp pain in center of chest. I overdid it with doing bulletin board at church. Any physical activity causes some degree of pain afterwards.
Working on praying biblical characters for your family. Once I get it done I’ll post it on my blog. Gotta work on tax info to take to CPA. I couldn’t do it anymore even if I wanted to bc added stress causes all my nerve endings to feel like on fire and bc I get confused easily when it comes to that stuff I’d for sure mess it up. Gotta finish school grades for 2nd quarter.
Skin itchy. Elbows ache, hands and fingers throbbing, feet freezing.
Just imagine how us humans feel after being struck by lightning. Trouble is no doctors seem to be concerned enough to study it out to help the thousands of survivors that live to tell about it!
Link I shared on FB was deleted. Don’t recall what it was.
Jan 18
1:00a- still awake. It’s much harder to fall asleep when pain is so intense.
6:30a- woke to severe pain in center of chest like rib bones are caught against each other and won’t let loose or something like that. Using eo pain roller on chest to ease pain so I can go back to sleep. Feels like I broke another fever.
8:00a- chest pain has eased slightly – eo pain roller has helped. Hands swollen and tingly (like waking up from sleep), low back aches, skin sensitive and slight itchy, rt hip aching.
Thankful to wake another day.
12:00p- Able to post more to my blog. Upper back stinging needle pain. Brain hurts and feeling cross-eyed a bit. Need to rest a bit.
2:29p- a/c outlet replaced
3:40p- My mom & Dezirae are touching up ceilings from when lights were changed out last year in my husband’s office & SS room. I’ve help a couple times (they won’t let me do any more). Any activity above heart causes great pain.
6:56p- craving chocolate, rt hip aching, tired, general feeling of malaise
10:43p- I can feel a storm is coming. My muscles are twitching randomly throughout body, calves are tight and ache, rt hip aches, neck region tight and achy, slight headache, hands and fingers swollen and achy.
11:36p- working on balloons for Dezirae’s door in morning for her birthday. Got cold chilling sensation at base of neck and is working down shoulders to back. Feels weird.