2019 Jan 25-26
Jan 25
12:47a- Im freezing!!!
8:00a- woke with headache. Ugh!
4:49p- been busy day. Went with Joe to get clutch kit for car & deposit a check. Stopped at store to pick up a few items & ice. Neighbor shot a deer and gave it to us. Joe & kids skinned & cut it up for cooler to drain blood. Had to pick up a car we are borrowing for weekend. Picked up my headache rx. Guy asked Joe to check it out bc he thought it might have bad gas and was shifting odd. Family went for test drive. Joe confirmed bad gas. I forgot to return movie!
My cheeks are flushed and warm even to the touch. Exhausted. Only thing I’ve eaten all day is two eggs and bagel. I’m not hungry just thirsty. Need to rest before my bones hurt worse.
5:14p- muscles in legs are twitching, low back aches
11:59p- movie returned. Bulletin done. Valentine sign up done. Almost packed. Tried for long time to find specific socks had Dezirae helping couldnt find them. Gave up to finish bulletin. Joe found them in my sock drawer. Yeah! Need to keep feet warm on trip. Feet are like ice right now. Ankles hurt. Eyes watering. Legs ache. Low rt back & hip aching. Stomach sore. Arms ache. Head hurts. Tired but wide awake. Fingers and hands hurt. Skin beginning to feel itchy.
God is so good! In the midst of our current trial, God had food delivered to our back door!!

Jan 26
7:00a- Good morning! Mixed emotions flowing through my bank. My whole body hurts! Headache! I’ve got to figure a remedy. I don’t function well when my head hurts this bad. Too much to do to finish getting ready for the trip. I really should make a list but my head hurts too much to think of what to list. Ugh!
8:00a- Kids volunteer to help me finish getting ready. Sweet. They’re excited to stay with grandparents while we’re out of town.
9:30a- Decided to paint my nails with metallic nail polish. I like the wavy design it makes. Took me over an hour bc I kept messing up my thumb nails. Think I redid my lft thumb 10 times, but I got it done. They’re not perfect but it makes me feel better when they look nice.
12:30p- car is packed. Kids dropped off at grandparents. Nerves on edge. I’m exhausted.
12:59p- chilling, icy sensation at base of neck starting to travel down neck. Don’t know why it happens but it feels weird.
1:25p- trying to sew my boots I managed to poke myself with the eye of the needle. Ouch! Gauged my rt index nail. Ugh! Have to put bandaid on to stop bleeding. One more boot to go.
1:50p- decided to use pocket knife as thimble. Poking your fingers with needle hurts. Thread broke when almost done. Stopping for now. My brain hurts!!! Still have to do my toe. Joe says your having trouble with that. To which I reply that’s my every day. Not gonna quit it just takes me a lot longer to get it down. I’m exhausted! Rt arm cramping.
2:50p- pit stop. Bought ice coffee to see if it’s gonna help my headache & maybe give me energy. I’m tired of taking medicine. Have 6 more days of thrush medicine 4xs day. Yuck! On positive note, my tongue is finally starting to look pink again.
On way out, a young boy about 8 or so decided to hold open the automatic door. I decided to acknowledge his thoughtfulness and said “Thank you, young man!” He tickled me because he immediately began grinning ear to ear and joyfully replied “You’re welcome!” He had a skip to his step after that. Things that make you smile
3:47p boot finally fixed. Head still throbbing. Working crossword now. I see the letters A N E V E D N A in top right corner but in my mind at first glance I see Never Do That Again. Shake head read again and I actually see the letters. Might as well as giggle at it. It makes no sense what my mind decifers at times. If I could only get someone to explain. If I don’t giggle and find humor in it all I may end up crying.
4:30p- can’t take pain anymore taking pain rx gotta get rid of headache.
4:45p- we discussed diploma track for Jordon. Need to sit down with admin for sounding board and help with direction. Overall think doing good. He’ll have 18.5 credits end of sophmore year.
5:30p- broke another nail – 3rd one since started trip- how does one break a nail sitting in a car? Ugh! Headache starting to ease.
6:40p- headache is almost gone
8:00p- stopped for dinner at Waffle House. Now headed to final destination
Interesting: last couple times I’ve craved chocolate prior to headache never thought about it or put two together
10:35p- can’t believe the difference one Tylenol and one tramadol did for pain in the entire body. Still want to research natural resources for pain. Checking into copaiba. Just need to figure out the dosage.
Slight headache, hands swollen and achy, skin starting to get itchy (mostly at night when I go to bed), neck tender, low back achy,
*AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog is not in any way offered as a prescription, diagnosis, or treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity, or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual’s acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Any links shared are only meant for helping one find additional information discussed in a blog post.