Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 16-18 March 2019

March 16

9:00 rough night. Woke several times. Bad dreams.  Woke to left hand and arm numb & tingly. Low back throbbing. Headache. Throat hurts.

I choose to have a good day in spite of it all.

4:00- ended up in argument with Joe. Not that I particularly like to admit it but we did. At least we sit and talk things out until we can get to the bottom of it and work through it.

Most of it boils down to my getting agitated easily. I know my personality has changed. I’m easily agitated because my brain processes things at a slower rate than before. This in turn makes me seem slow or not listening. But in my mind it makes me feel stupid when I know I’m not. I’m unable to physically do things that I was able to prior to the “accident”. Before I probably could’ve run a marathon with all the energy I exerted on a daily basis both mentally and physically, but now I have to plan out my activities because I wear out easily. Some days I just don’t have a clue what’s even going on let alone what I need to accomplish that day. Some days I have to take 2 or 3 cat naps just to make it through the day. 

It breaks my heart to see me like this. I’m hurting myself and my family. I don’t know how to fix it and it frustrates me to no end because I haven’t been able to figure it all out.

I don’t blame God for my accident. I know there is a purpose in it all. I just don’t know what it is right now. 

I know I’m supposed to learn that I may be able to help others also.  I’m taking notes along to way so I can know things that work and don’t work for me. But how do you help others when you’re failing at helping yourself?  I feel broken, lost, scared, and don’t even like what I see. I thought I was doing pretty good but I suppose not.

 11:45p- We ran errands for church. Ate dinner. Then rest of night I worked on bulletin for tomorrow. Brain feels taxed. Vision jumbled. Slight headache. Tired. Feet freezing. Neck hurts. Back icy sensation. Skin feels like ants crawling on it. 

This too shall pass & the Lord’s mercies are new every morning.

March 17

6:45a- very dizzy this morning. Headache. Lights bother eyes even with sunglasses on. Neck hurts. Throat hurts. Canker sore on rt inside cheek. Tongue no better & hurts.

8:00a- about had a near melt down this morning trying to remember and process what Joe told me yesterday. Joe helped me calm down and told me we would discuss it more later.

1:00p couldn’t go no more crashed for 2 hours.

3:00p- Joe & I had planning mtg for upcoming church events (Easter, Palm Sunday, Homecoming Sunday, Mother’s day, mother daughter outing). Got bulletin board down & Easter board partially up. Offertory picked out & practiced for tonight. 

March 18


How do you treat a concussion?

I am working on a more detailed article to describe treatment of these problems. For now let me give a brief overview. Treatment comes in two different modalities, supplementation and biofeedback. Supplementation can handle some of the symptoms and may reverse the damage. Vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, Vitamin B6, and Omega-3s are all helpful for post-concussion syndrome. Long-term supplementation may be able to reverse the damage of the TBI. to treat concussion (saved in Pinterest)

8:00a- bed stripped, load of wash in washer, gut healing coconut latte made, breakfast made, trimmed rose bush, deer stew in Crockpot (partially-have to add veggies & spices). I’m exhausted time to rest. 

9:38- 1st load folded & mostly put away. 3rd load in washer. Bed made.

Stuffy nose, headache, calves throbbing, upper back chilly tingling sensation, neck hurts.

10:30 prepared 3 pkgs for mail, grated bar soap, relisted items on eBay. Tired and feel like I’m gonna crash. Resting 20 minutes or so. Jordon Science quiz. Icy sensation traveling down spine to lower back. Rt ear ringing. Brain feels jumbled. Head hurts.

12:30p- finished putting spices & veggies in stew, folded 2nd load, hung 3rd load to dry, designed letters for bulletin board and printed on cardstock. Drank cup thyme & oil of oregano tea. Sitting to rest.

3:30p- crepe myrtle trimmed. I have hit my limit of activity today. I’m starting to feel the pain. Need to rest.

8:30p- I’m in loads of pain. Did too much today. Neck & upper back throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Mouth & tongue hurting. Heating pad on back. 

MSM – take 500mg 3xs daily to reduce inflammation & pain

Turmeric – 1 or 2 500mg capsules 2xs daily. Aim to take 1,000 – 2,000mg daily for best results

Vitamin C – 

Zinc – 110mg 3xs daily

D3- between 2,000 IUs – 4,000 IUs daily

Probiotic – 1-2 capsules containing 10-15 billions active cultures daily. Allow 4 weeks for gut healing side effects and adjust accordingly.

Multivitamin – take in am with food


10:30p- muscles in left leg twitching spasmodically, pain threshold increasing, rt elbow throbbing, fingers throbbing, rt ear hurts

Disclaimer: Visitors who use this Site and rely on any information shared do so at their own risk. This site is intended for informational purposes only.  It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Never ignore professional medical advice.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-15 March 2019

March 13

8:00a- very strange dreams most of night kept waking up to see if they were real. Very tired this morning. I think I could sleep longer. Left eye feels swollen. Throat hurts.

8:00p- Joe suggested I check my supplements to see if they could be causing yeast to be stubborn. Began checking it out. Slight Bloody nose.

11:00p- Able to help hang Dezirae’s headboard & pictures over dresser.

Able to get Jordon’s 3rd qtr grades on form to turn in 

Able to enjoy spending time with family & heard from Jakob in college.

When trying to treat Candida, one thing to consider – supplements.

If your supplements contain “dextrose” or “maltodextrin” reconsider as this ingredient is simply sugar.

Sweetners allowed on Candida diet –

Stevia or Xylitol

10:46p- looking at vitamin labels

B complex has Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (vegetable cellulose aka sawdust!), microcrystalline cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, malodextrin (aka sugar)

B12 has Dextrose and Sucralose (aka sugar) 

Probiotic-8 +Cranberry has Vegetable Cellulose on “other ingredients”

Vegetable Magnesium Stearate has no health benefits. It only benefits the manufacturer.

Sodium Starch Glycolate = starch usually derived from foods containing gluten

Feel better fast and make it last by Daniel G Amen, MD

#1 Tiny Habit

Will the decision I’m about to make be good for my brain? 

#2 Train your mind to help you not hurt you.

When you have a negative thought, the brain releases chemicals

When you feel negative thought, challenge the thought to make sure they are real.

Start every day by saying today is going to be a great day.

End each day by asking what went well today.

Practice gratitude.  

March 14

1:11a- Still wide awake. Stomach cramps. Hands ache. Lower back aches. Rt hip hurts. Stuffy nose.

9:00a- Had nightmares last night.

12:00- Made call to fix info for kids Dr & request dental info. Finished typing up kids 3rd quarter grades. Brain is now frazzled & I’m tired. Still have stubborn thrush. I’m not sure what to do.

Joe talked to friend about a laptop vs tablet. Told him he didn’t want to fight me for laptop bc I use it for school & stuff. He told him not to bc it was my outreach to the world like therapy. I don’t completely compute idea but it’s a good thought.

I’m a visual learner more so now than ever. Conversations are a chore sometimes even amongst family.

1:00 – Went to talk to pharmacist about my thrush.  Took paper of my meds. Says Gerd/Acid Reflux can cause thrush. Suggested I take the GERD rx & a good probiotic for a month to see if that helps. She doesn’t think the purple stuff will help bc the Nystatin oral suspension didn’t work.

6:00p- able to make bed in mission house and spruce it up for next missionaries coming in. Need to remember roll of paper towels. Feel like I’m gonna crash. Need to lay down for few minutes to rest. Favorite napping place at church is the nursery.

8:00p- able to muddle through playing piano though I did mess up. Can tell I haven’t played in a while. Brain feels jumbled. Vision blurred. Sensory overload is stressing me. Trying hard to calm it by thinking positive.

10:00p- Jakob asked me to look at his paper he wrote. I almost forgot. Words jumbled on page. Made few corrections & suggestions. Sent him email explaining. Told me thanks. 

It’s after midnight now and I’m quickly turning into a pumpkin.

March 15

12:00p- slept most of night but had nightmares about spiritual warfare. Tired and have no energy. Not able to take my B vitamins bc they had hidden sugars in them. Still fighting thrush. Woke to sore throat. Tongue already looking better. 

Jordon needed me to write his Computer Chapter 12 Quiz. I’m now dealing with sensory overload. Brain hurts and feels jumbled. Eyes hurt. Lights are bothersome. Headache. Feels like information is squishing in on my brain.  Feel little aggitated. Need to close eyes for a while.

3:00- out running errands for church. Stop at Sam’s. They have moved wheelchairs to service counter and blocked off easy way to get to them. Frustrating! Ate late lunch. Just walking to snack bar and back to optical section wore me out. Legs started throbbing and dragging. Family went looking for a wheelchair for me.

I find it humorous that the woman working at optical desk had no clue what optomapping was. Obviously, Sam’s Optical doesn’t do them.

4:30- Once home assembled dinner for my parents bc my Dad had carpal tunnel surgery this morning. Made shortcake from scratch. Took cat nap while it was baking. He made it thru and is recovering well so far. Family helped carry it over when it was ready.

By this time, I am wiped out. Had kids assemble dinner for us – English muffin pizza & tortilla chip with queso. Dessert was Strawberry shortcake. Yum!  

10:00p- I’m wiped out and done for day. Rt ear ringing. Body aches. Tongue is actually starting to look better. Tomorrow will tell after eating sugar today. I love strawberry shortcake. 

I can tell I didn’t take my “B” vitamins today. They have hidden sugars. I have no energy whatsoever today. Think I took two naps. I might even fall asleep earlier than normal. I sure hope all this is worth it. Need to overcome this thrush so we can work on overcoming next hurdle.

Proud of my oldest. He filed his taxes all by himself this year. Part of me wants to cry bc my baby is growing up. But other part is cheering on saying, “Yeah! I knew you could do it. That’s what we raised him to do.”  Parenting isn’t an easy job. Glad we’ve God to shew us way thru it all.

Disclaimer: Visitors who use this Site and rely on any information shared do so at their own risk. This site is intended for informational purposes only.  It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Never ignore professional medical advice.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 10 -12 March 2019

March 10

6:00a- alarm went off. Don’t know why I set it that early. Shut off. 

7:00a- I’m up. Feeling a little better though not 100%. Looking forward to church. Must get lunch in crockpot. 

8:00a- just about ready for church but pooping out and feeling nauceaous. Arms hurt from curling my hair. Calves cramping from walking up and down hallway. Ugh! 

Joe told me to stay home. He doesn’t want me to push myself and get sicker. Something’s weird goin on in my head (not crazy thoughts – it just doesn’t feel right). I need to get better.

Going back to bed. Turned radio on quietly. 

12:30p- Selpt for about 3 hours. Must of needed it. I’m still tired. Forgot to plug in second crockpot with veggies in it. At least we have a microwave. 

Going back to bed after lunch.

10:35p- Headache. Head still feels weird not sure how to explain or why. Stuffy nose. Congested. Nose & lips are chapped.  Back hurts. Tongue a little more white today. Took 3 doses of thyme & oil of oregano tea today. Took 2 doses of Echinacea, C, & zinc also. Took headache medicine. Neck hurts. Hands went numb while laying in bed this afternoon. 

Asked Joe to stop at store for lunch meat on way home. He decided to get me one of my favorite candies (orange slices). Although his heart was in the right place and it was sweet that he wanted to encourage me. I told him that was sweet thought but I’ll have to put it away until I can eat it. (I’m on restricted diet. Inside I just wanted to cry. 

It’s hard to be positive when you feel so yucky. Been on a restricted diet for 8+ weeks though it’s not had the affects I’m desiring (getting rid of this stubborn thrush) the positive is that I’ve lost 10lbs so far. Lord, I need Your help. 

March 11

12:30a- Can’t sleep. All the usual things that make me sleepy aren’t working. Taking muscle relaxer. 

8:45a- Had alarm set for 7:30. Guess I must’ve shut it off. Groggy. 

9:30a- Congestion seems to be little less but now have bloody nose. Feel week. Many trots to restroom I must go already this morning. Whole body aches. At least I got some deep sleep this morning. 

10:54a- Had to get kids directed in their schoolwork even though I have school schedule on fridge. Having trouble staying focused on one task.    

12:16a- wash one load clothes, had Jordon put in dryer. Got Keto/Paleo Chili in crockpot. Tried new way to brown hamburger. Couldn’t believe my eyes! Sprinkled 2 tsp baking soda on hamburger meat and browned as usual. No grease to drain! (Got tip from this website: Tired and need to rest a bit.

1:20p- seriuos sharp pain in center of back radiating to front!!!! Taking breath away. 

2:12p- turned wrong and huge cramp on right side. Ugh!

3:00p- sharp pain returned in center of chest!! Had Joe adjust my back. Still hurts. Applied pain roller blend. Took pain rx. Applying heat pack. 20 minutes pain is starting to ease.

4:30p- sharp stabbing pain in center of chest. Can hardly move!!! Tried touching toes to see if back would pop again. Not! Fleeting thought that it might be gas. Joe made me drink 6oz pepsi quickly to see it’ll make me burp. Not. Took 6 papaya enzymes. 10 minutes and it’s starting to ease. Took 3 more. Still no burps. Chest sore but not hurting as bad.

6:30p- my tummy hurts

Laid down for a while. Took 2 ginger capsules. 

10:32p- feel lethargic but not sleepy. Tummy finally stopped hurting around 8:30p- Upper back throbbing. Center of chest aches. Cough. Surprisingly feet never felt freezing to me though chilly enough to put socks on. Nose slightly stuffy but improving. Able to breathe better.  Upper chest hurts. Tummy pains but not too bad.

Thankful to avert another trip to the doctor’s so soon. Thrush is still there but improving as well.  

Having trouble drinking enough water. I was thinking it was a gallon per day. Just looked up and couple of websites suggested the 8×8 rule or half gallon of water. Could be more or less depending on the person. Whew! Not as much as I was thinking. 

Let’s see…3-10oz cups of thyme & oil of oregano, 2.5-16.9 bottles of water, 1-6oz soda. I think that equals 30+42.25+6=78.25.  8×8=64oz. I guess I’m doing better than I thought minus 6 oz soda still equals 72.25! Yeah!

Taking melatonin tonight. I think I hurt worse after the muscle relaxer. The best case senerio is to get rid of nerve pain altogether. I’d rather get used to pain than have boomerang effect get less done that way. Thankful for the much needed sleep though. 

Also diffusing Lavendar and Lemon oils for a little while to help sleep.

Brain not as foggy. Lft ear ringing.

March 12

8:45a- Hard to believe I’ve splet this long! I know I needed it. I could probably sleep some more but got to make sure kids are doing their schoolwork among other things. 

🎶It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name to His name in the morning we will…🎶 I’m thinking it might be a psalm put to hymn but not certain.  

12:17 Joe asked me to look up prices for headlight remembered we had $5 gc to Advance Auto. Wrote down part# for later. He asked me to check if we had the money. Told him I’d have to balance checkbook first. Ugh! This hurts my brain but it’s necessary. 

Three hours later….we have enough to get part. Headache, brain cluttered, eyes foggy, costocondritis flairing up. Need to rest a while.

12:30p- While preparing thyme tea, I accidentally spill the oregano oil on the counter! Ugh! Now whole house smells like oregano oil. That’s some potent stuff! Kids asked shortly later, what’s that smell. Told them. Jordon says I’m going to my room. 

Back throbbing, center of chest throbbing & feels caught (can’t seem to get it to unstuck). Trying to lay flat on back on my chair I incurr a cramp in stomach just below left rib. Looking forward to sipping the tea. Adding peppermint & copabia oils help reduce inflammation and pain. 

Upside I’m feeling a little better today😊 Still have thrush on tongue and new stop appeared. I’ve lost another 2lbs too!

11:20p- Joe & Dezirae took me grocery shopping for the week. Took longer than I expected. Came home & put groceries away. Sat and rested for few minutes. Cooked dinner. Halfway thru I had to sit and rest. While I was resting, stove decided to go burzurk beeping with error code. I pushed all the buttons and nothing worked. Noise was driving me crazy. Joe came to rescue and unplugged the oven from behind. Waited few minutes and plugged back in. Everything was fine. I was thankful for easy fix. 

I’m done wore out for rest of day. My entire back is throbbing thru and thru. Shoulders, arms, hands hurt. Feet freezing. Getting stuffy again. Only drank one cup of thyme tea today. Tongue hurts again. 

Tomorrow is another day. 🎶Until then my heart will go on singing. Until then with joy I’ll carry on. Until the day my eyes behold that city. Until the day God calls me home…This world is not my home I’m just a passin thru if heaven’s not my home then Lord what will I do the angels becon me from heaven’s open door and I cant feel at hpme in this world anymore…more more about Jesus more more about Jesus more of His saving fullness see more of His love who died for me…🎶  

This was a jingle of hymns that I was taught as a child. It goes on and on some more, but my finger and wrist is wearing out quickly. Until tomorrow…

Some rezt I must get.

Disclaimer: Visitors who use this Site and rely on any information shared do so at their own risk. This site is intended for informational purposes only.  It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Never ignore professional medical advice.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 7-9 March 2019

March 7

7:00a- rough night. I’m tired and feeling kind of week. Feeling nauceous.

10:58a- decided to work on inputting kids grades in notebook. Had to make run to restroom due to nauceousness. Indigestion bad. Took ginger and papaya. Lying down for half hour to rest. Nose stuffy and hard to breath. Face hurts. Head hurts. Feels like I caught kids crud they had earlier in week. Nagging cough hurts my chest and my nerves.

10:25p- I’m exhausted & sick. Nose has been running all day. I guess it’s better than alternative. Well, not hardly moving all day my normal body aches weren’t as noticeable, but then I was more focused on the more than normal pains…headache, overall yucky feeling, stomach nauceous off and on, lack of appetite more than usual, face hurts, sinuses hurt, chest rumbly, overly stuffed and congested. My nose hurts from blowing it all day. Think I blew thru all my hankies plus a quarter box of tissues. Diffused thieves today to try to get rid of these yuckies. Took V8 juice (I have to be sick to drink that stuff. Can’t stand the texture. Odd – I know.), took Echinacea, vitamin C & zinc, drank thyme tea with peppermint oil to soothe sore throat. It has a pungent smell but it sure does soothe my throat.

I look forward to more warmer days where I can go outside in the sun and “earth”. It makes me feel so much better. I must try to get outside more this summer now that Im a little more mobile than I have been. 

🎶Thank You Lord for saving my soul🎶 Even in the Valley God is good..He is faithful and true….Even in the Valley God is good🎶 (I don’t recall words in the middle that’s why the …’s 😉 Shh! I won’t tell if you don’t). 

Rolling an Immune Blend on bottoms of feet and going to bed. Taking Tylenol for the headache.

March 8

8:34a- awake since 7ish. Trouble breathing sneezing a whole heap severely congested but runny nose face hurts headache took 2 headache relief tabs starting to ease took zyrtec & nasal spray. Not hungry but know I need sustenance gonna make a breakfast smoothie. Making to-do list for today so I can get something done and not feel like the day is wasted.

🎶 It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to his name in the morning we will…(praise His love?)🎶

Thankful another day even though I’m a little under the weather and hurting. 

9:30p- Bible class with Dezirae was encouraging to me today.  We are doing a Virtuous Woman Bible study for her Bible this year. Today’s lesson was about Keeping eternity in mind when making decisions.

James 1:5 – If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Challenge: Determine for myself and my family where I need to draw the line. How much can I handle and still do my best? Realizing that this line will move as my circumstances in life changes, I will seek to do what would MOST please the Lord at this stage of my life.*

*from Virtuous Woman Bible study at kjvhearthelps.

I’ve already had to practice this week with upcoming commitments. Though I wanted to do them and not let anyone down I chose to pray about it and ask God for wisdom. A few of the commitments I had to back out of because though they weren’t wrong they would’ve done me more harm than good at this stage in my life. 

This was encouraging to me. ☺

5:30p- Brain fried. Checked and documented Dezirae’s grade for 3rd quarter. Dezirae had lots of questions and needed help with schoolwork. CPA had questions about our taxes. It’s all just getting on my nerves. Had to apologize to Dezirae for snapping. 

Joe was a sweetheart when he came home from work. Since I had done the hard part (I just put the meat in the crockpot), he offered to cook the hashbrowns & scrambled eggs for dinner. I was glad because I’m pooped, but can’t fall asleep. Brain & eyes blurring. Stuffy runny congested. Whole body aches and pains. Chest hurts.

11:20p- trouble breathing. Face hurts. 

Able to complete 5 items of task I had listed for the day. Good pick me up even though I’m a little sick. Thrush is diminishing a little once again. The “Miracle Mouthwash”  (Milk of Magnesia & Children’s Benadryl) is easing throat pain and allowing me to eat more solid foods. Yeah! 

🎶God is good me. He holds my hand. He helps me stand. God is good to me.🎶

March 9

10:13a- woke at 3:00, 4:00, & 7:00am. Nose stopped running but mucus has turned green. Woke with a headache and feeling yucky. Joe thinks I need to go back to Dr’s for antibiotics. I told him that’s what made me sick with yeast problem in first place. Gotta figure out how to combat it all naturally. I’m over it all!!!

11:50a- Received draft copy of taxes to review from cpa. I have some questions, but thankful they’re taking care of it instead me. I know I couldn’t do it right now without crying my eyes out and major stressing. Thank you, Lord!

12:30p- I propose in order to raise the $ needed for the border wall is to lower all congressional income to the average US medium income until the $ is raised to pay for the wall. 

The average US income for 2018 was $62,175. The base  salary for congressional members is $174,000.

I think we could raise the needed $ quickly. I think I’d feel like I’m living high on the hog if we ever made $62k a year. Wow!

8:11p- I’ve drinken two cups of hot thyme & oil of oregano tea today. I also breathed in the steam which helped to open my nasal passages make breathing easier. Though I tire easily I’m feeling a little better. Hope to sleep better tonight.

Gave me enough energy to plan meals for week, type/create church bulletin, & make dinner. 

10:28p- I’m exhausted. Just finshed 3rd cup of thyme tea. Feeling kind of weak and unstable. Need some sleep.

Neck hurts. Hands a little achy but not swollen +. Eyes and brain feel blurry. But they do after I utilize them on focus and thinking. Miss talking to my Bubba. Gotta try to remember to call him tomorrow.  Low back & rt hip aches. Calves cramping when I walk. Gotta figure out how to overcome that…if only. Lord, please give me wisdom where needed. I certainly am unable of helping myself out of these maladies.  Tongue is already looking better.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 4-6 March 2019

March 4

6:30a- Rt ear ringing, low back aches, rt hip aches, thrush still present, tongue hurts. 

Good morning. I’m alive and tired.

1:42p- Mom took me to DG (toiletries & planters for church), bank, Burkes (sheets for mission house), Lowes (paint), & Rouses (groceries). Dezirae & I just finished putting them away. I’m exhausted and muscles in stomach & back are burning! Need to take pain Rx. 

Positive is that I only used wheelchair at Rouses. I walked behind shopping cart in other stores. I’ve probably done too much, but at least I did it.

3:00p- Joe wanted the living room deep cleaned today. I had kids work on it since I was worn out from this morning’s adventure. I haven’t been to that many stores in one trip in a very long time. I’m feeling it too. Back is stinging, burning pain. I’ll have to take it easy the rest of the day just to have enough to cook dinner. 

Didn’t get entire livingroom cleaned but it looks lot better. 

9:00p- I’m miserable with the yeast overgrowth. Feminine itching. Tongue hurts. Trying something different…drinking apple cider vinegar in small glass of o.j.

March 5

7:50a- Wow! Hard to believe I selpt through the night. I guess it helps that I took Benedryl for allergies and melatonin. My whole body is quite sore all over and it hurts to move this morning. Low back throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Neck hurts. I’m tired of pain all the time, but 🎶It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name in the morning we will…🎶 One day I’ll remember the rest of it.

Thankful that I have another day to serve the Lord.

Itching has diminished. Tongue doesn’t look as bad as yesterday. Going to continue drinking 1 Tbs ACV twice daily.

8:38p- just learned that thyme has a lot of health benefits…trying a cup of thyme tea. Not my favorite flavor in tea but it is tolerable. Brewed 1 cup of purified water with 1 tsp thyme leaves. Allowed to steep for about 10 minutes. Strained with coffee filter into another cup. Added 1 pkt of truvia. Too tart. Added 1 tsp locally grown honey. 

Thyme is a good source of copper, iron, magnese, vitamin c, vitamin A, etc.

10:13p- I’m exhausted. Center of chest hurts. Back hurts. Skin is slightly flushed from neck up. I’m hot though we’re under a freeze warning tonight. Low back aches. Candida aggravation. Calves throbbing. Tongue feels swollen. Stomach aches. 

🎶That name is Jesus, Sweet Rose of Sharon. Spotless and pure Lamb of God, Jesus, the Lion of Judah The promised Emmanuel, God’s Son, Jesus my Lord and Creator Who witnessed and conquered the grave,  Jesus this worlds only Savior, Jesus what a wonderful name🎶

This chorus running through my mind. My daughter is trying to learn it to sing in church. Kids have been playing cd that it’s on a lot lately. 

Researching probiotics

HSO – Homestatic Soil Organism 

SBO – Soil Based Organism

March 6

8:00p- rough nite. Perplexing dream. Woke to both arms being numb. Neck hurts. Skin itching. Stuffy nose. Slight bloody nose. Thrush worse. Tongue feels swollen. Tired. Stomach aches.

🎶That name is Jesus, Sweet Rose of Sharon. Spotless and pure Lamb of God, Jesus, the Lion of Judah The promised Emmanuel, God’s Son, Jesus my Lord and Creator Who witnessed and conquered the grave,  Jesus this worlds only Savior, Jesus what a wonderful name🎶

It’s odd how certain songs stick in your head.

10:14a- mom called to share praise about a trip she’s planning…details are coming together…now just need to pray for her to find a car before June. Told me she asked the pharmacist about getting rid of thrush. He wasn’t sure about purple stuff but said something about Benadryl.

11:41a- put load of clothes away (finally after 2 days), had Dezirae help me change sheets on my bed, made waffles for breakfast, took shower, had Jordon dust piano, Dezirae straighten hall closet, & Jordon clean out microwave. I’m exhausted! Need to rest a few minutes. 

Checked on benadryl concoction for thrush. It’s benadryl mix with milk of magnesia but need to take antifungal medicine to get rid of it completely.

3:30 Not feeling well at all. Feel very weak. Throat is on fire! 

4:50p- bought liquid Benadryl & m.o.m for thrush in mouth as well as antifungal Rx. Took first dose (1/2 Tbs benadryl & m.o.m). Tongue is now tingling but throat already feels a little better. Actually able to eat without it hurting to swallow.

6:59p- sipping hot tea with peppermint, thieves, & copabia oil. Feels good on the throat.

8:30p- Not feeling well at all. Very tired. Throat hurts. Gonna Dr up and go to bed early. 

Immune blend on bottom of feet, nasal spray for stuffy, congested, runny nose, Echinacea, vitamin C, & zinc, frozen yogurt, Tylenol, diffusing purification, lemon, & lavendar. 

11:00p- bloody nose

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