April 23
11:25a- two loads of clothes (folded but not put away), 2 spelling tests generated, history test given – my brain and eyes beginning to feel scrambled
1:00- drop pkg for Jakob at PO. My Grandma treating us to lunch. Stopped at Mission Thrift store. Only able to walk outer paramater. Legs throbbing, hands and arms aching, feel like I’m about to crash. Need to rest a while.
4:30p- slept little over an hour. Wow! Could sleep longer so tired. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Bruise on lft leg is healing but still swollen
6:00p- went to Mom’s to help my Grandma with her quilt. She’s suppose to be showing us but she keeps nodding off even though she took a nap. Think she’s eating to much carbs and sugars. Only about to complete one square until my rt hand swells to double in size and hurts too bad. If I decide to quilt on my own I’d use sewing machine instead of by hand.
11:12p- I hurt something aweful. Neck hurts to move. Whole body feels swollen. Ugh! Feet are cold actually I’m freezing. Don’t get it. Wish I could get some one to explain the science of it all to me. Maybe it’d help me accept it better.
Lord, You know better than I. You know the way.
April 24
8:00a-Had headache so I checked my bp. It’s not that. Bp 105/72 hr 70 Middle of back stinging. Hands and wrists swollen and achy.
8:30a- ?
10:30- working on grading tests for school. It’s almost summer break time. I am so ready. My brain hurts and feels foggy.
2:00p- eating late lunch while watching movie. Do some movies kind of make you feel dizzy at times? Backgrounds that move too fast mess with my balance. What’s worse is I’m sitting.
4:00- trying to work on quilt. My hand eye coordination is way off today. Frustrating. Just gotta keep trying. Managed to get another square down.
6:00p- left leg from middle lower to foot feels weird again. It’s knid of numb but feels like it’s being choked. Not sure how to explain. Probably need to prop it up. Feet are getting cold.
7:00p- talking to Joe I open my mouth to answer him and in flies a gnatt! Yuck!! Now I’m choking!!! Not staying outside. Ugh! Feet are freezing. Under blankets I go.
10:23p- neck is throbbing like toothache. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Feet freezing. Socks put on. Hands and wrists swollen and achy especially rt one. Left foot stingy tingles. Weird. Calves ache.
Need to email Neuro PT person about apt in May. Praying they can help me even a little.