Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 29-30 April 2019

April 29

7:30a- woke to alarm. Muscles in legs spasming. Still sleep. Arms and hand pins and needle pain. Rt ear hurts. Throat hurts. Sleep a little more.

8:45a- rt hip throbbing. Toes stinging. Weird dreams. Still groggy. Rt ear hurts. Rt hip throbbing. 

9:55a- outer part of my left leg where I fell and hurt it feels numb down to my toes

10:43a- popovers made for the kids, load of clothes washed, cucumbers sliced and on dehydrator, breakfast eaten, lft lower outer leg still feels numb, I’m not feeling well…need to rest a while.

9:30p- lft lower leg is still numb feeling, 

11:05p I’m not sure how to ask but has anyone noticed it seems to take longer to heal from bruises and booboos after lightning or electrical injuries?

I remember being a quick healer prior to my strike now it seems like it takes forever to heal. The area that I wacked on my leg when I fell last week is still swollen and feels numb sometimes. The bruising seems to be healing in right stages. It’s strange to me.

Just curious???

Decided to go to Chiropractor today. Dr said my sciatica nerve was severely inflamed. I deeply bruised my leg and hip. He was able to adjust me quite well. I think my hip was slightly out of joint bc it popped quite loudly. I’m feeling a little better though still sore. I go back in a week. Glad I went. Thanks.

11:59p- upper back throbbing, muscles twitching throughout body, slight.headache. 

April 30

5:45a- woke to muscles spasming in legs, rt hip hurts, cottony mouth

6:00a- doing am exercise while in bed my rt hip feels bruised. Ouch! 

8:30a- dozed back to sleep for an hour. Strange dreams. Need some thyme tea. Left leg feels like a tourniquet is lightly squeezing it.  I don’t know what to think but it feels weird.

1:30p- had to help kids move stone table to where I could use it too. Not good idea. Now hurting pretty bad.

2:00p- need to rest. Frustrating computer won’t connect to internet. Have to reset dns. Nope. Clear winsock. Nope. Change router connection. Nope. Duh! Forgot to run cmd prompt in admin mode. Have to run thru steps again. Thanks for Google or I couldn’t remember. 45 minutes later it works!

Leaned back while sitting on floor bc back was hurting. Ouch!! Wrong choice – sharp stabbing pain in rt hip & tailbone area. Think I need to get checked out. It’s been a week since I fell.   

Now to force myself to rest while watching movie. 

11:15p- rt hip throbbing, stabbing pain in tailbone area, feet hurting and cold, lower left leg still slight swollen & it feels as if it’s being squeezed, trouble speaking thoughts and remembering what things are called.

Got word today that local college willing to help with some therapy. Next step is setting up appointment for initial evaluation. Thank you, Lord.

Still need to find a mechanic that has time to fix car and is budget friendly. God knows need.

Took a bit but managed to post few things to blog today.   

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