Jesus – Firstborn
Jesus – Firstborn
Colossians 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
Christ was born in the image of God – a vision of the Father in human form. Begotten is defined as ‘brought into existence by or as if by a parent’. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.
Before all creation or any creature was made, Jesus existed. All things were made by Him (John 1:3) – absolutely everything.
The emphasis in this passage is on the preeminence of Christ. He should have first place in our hearts and lives. We need to let go of everything that hinders us from glorifying Christ.
Lighting Strikes – Journal Entries 22-24 December 2019
Dec 22
7.00 woke in horrible pain all over. It’s been raining all night.
Lightning buddy posted following…
This (nerve damage) would explain some of my lack of appetite, stomach pain, constipation, acid reflux/gerd issues since the lightning strike.
7.30 God laid dear friend on my heart this morning. Not sure what’s going on but I stopped to pray for him, his wife, and family. I miss them.
8.00 extreme pain in rt ear & jaw causing tears and agony. Taking morning rx and pain rx. Swished peppermint mouthwash to ease pain.
8.15 text friend to let him know I prayed for him this morning. Enjoyed our short chat.
11.30 I have such a headache. Difficulty playing hymns this morning. Hand eye coordination off. Vision slight blurry.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.
1.00 only at one plate and I feel stuffed. Exhausted! Pain Rx wearing off. Need to go rest a while.
1.44 almost asleep woke myself choking
2.20 left side of brain deals with logical, rational, and analytical thinking while right side of brain deals with intuition, creativity, and imagination. Sounds to me as if most of the world has some type of brain injury bc their thinking is not logical, rational, or analytical and they lack intuition, creativity, and imagination.
Makes me wonder how can one discover what part of the brain was damaged? If I could learn which part of my brain was damaged, maybe I can then learn how to holistically heal and or train my brain to overcome. I also believe that music is an important element in learning.
7.28 intense shooting pain in rt ear & jaw.
8.00 having trouble keeping up with everything. I barely keep up with all the activities let alone things in the house. Don’t have enough bread for toasted cheese sandwiches. Decided to make tortilla pizzas for dinner.
9.00Swishing with 1 tablespoon colloidal silver to see if it’ll help ease the pain.
9.30 Pain intensified!!! Decided to try peppermint mouth swish. Pain eases some. Now using heating pad.
10.10 pain easing a bit. Exhausted.
11.22 my nose is freezing.
Dec 23
10.00 extreme pain!!!! I can’t even drink without it hurting. Called dentist. Instructed to take tylenol in between the ibuprofuen & continue the antibiotic.
1.35 trying to eat yogurt. Rt hand is shaking bad. Pain in jaw & tooth has eased from 10 to 8, but tiniest things increase pain.
Asked question in lightning support group about others having dental issues post LS. Several people have had dental issues post injury. Was informed that “…your metal fillings heated up and cracked teeth vertically. And a lot of us have TMJ issues too!
A lot of dentist do not catch the vertical cracks because they are rare. But when we are struck the fillings heat up and crack the teeth or you bite down to hard when thrown and break or chip teeth.”
I never thought there could be a correlation, but it would make sense.
Lord, please help heal my infection. I don’t want to be miserable for Christmas. I want to enjoy it and it be enjoyable for my family.
4.30 managed to go to produce mkt, bank, and grocery store. Gone too much…rt hip sagging and I’m limping bad. Headache. Exhausted.
5.20 rt ear & jaw intense throbbing. Feel like im
9.30 tried to go to bed as soon as I laid down intense sharp pain in rt ear and jaw. Couldn’t handle pain. Got up and swished with colloidal silver. Then laid ear on heating pad til pain eased.
10.30 pain still intense but not like hour ago. Lord, please help antibiotic start working. This pain is kicking me down.
Swishing with oregano & coconut oil. Pain takes a lot out of you.
11.26 oil pulling seemed to have helped ease the pain slightly. Hoping I can go to bed without too much pain. No pt exercises tonight.
11.58 rt ear throbbing. Exhausted. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg. Hands & arms tingling. Low back achez. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling.
Dec 24
5.00 rough night. Bonked in nose accidentally but it hurt so causing toothache to hurt. Took Aleve.
8.20 thought I hit snooze but guess I turned it off. Ugh! Gotta get going. Whole body aches. Tooth don’t hurt as bad at present. So tired.
Luke 2:20 “And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.”
Low back throbbing. Feet aching and tingly. Hands tingly. Neck sore and tight.
5.00 on way to church. Jordon driving. My nerves aren’t handling it too well…very jumpy but trying not to be. Rt hip throbbing. Actually able to eat dinner tonight though difficult to chew at times. Center of chest aches. Hands ache. Sleepy.
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