Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 25-27 December 2019

Dec 25

6am I’m in so much pain from my tooth! I’m determined to do my best to not let it ruin my day.

Joe got the turkey and steaks prepared. I peeled potatoes. Finished cinnamon rolls and put in oven.

12pm nothing is touching my pain. I’m in tears cuz it hurts so bad!!! I didn’t want this to happen. I’ve tried everything I can think of to no avail.

* drop of clove oil on gums

* swishing with coconut oil & oil of oregano

* swishing with peppermint mouthwash

* orajel

* warm salt water rinse – that hurt worse

* ice pack on side of face – that intensified pain

* peroxide drops in infected area

*taking ibuprofuen 800mg 3x daily plus Tylenol intermittently

*taking amoxicillin 500mg 3x daily been on it 5 days now with no relief.

5.00p applying heating pack to side of face.

5.30 trying clove oil on cotton swab – burning side of tongue & gums took out after minute

Pain is about to knock me out. I’m so tired. Rt hip throbbing.

Family has been so sweet getting house, clean, cooking, & clean up. I need to crash.

6.50 currently attempting to eat yogurt to counteract the burning sensation on my tongue and gums from the clove oil. It’s soothing the burning sensation but making tooth pain more intense. Can’t seem to lose for winning right now. I’d lay down but it hurts my head. Calling dentist in am.

9.56p finally remembered that a friend was in dentist field. Reached out. She suggested I call dentist sounds abcessed that has no place for release. Encouraged me to call dentist. May need stronger antibiotic. Dentist called. Waiting for call back.

11.23 Did my very best to have a joyful Christmas inspite of an extremely painful toothache that’s not responding to antibiotics.

Thankful for a sweet loving family who jumped in to help with the cooking and cleaning.

His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

11.20 warm sea salt water gargle. took muscle relaxer to knock me out so I can get some sleep. This toothache has trumped the constant headaches and daily nerve pain.  Tomorrow is another day. Lord, please my son’s safe as they travel tomorrow to pick up Jakob’s girlfriend to stay for a couple days.

Dec 26

8.45 rough night…up every 2 hours bc of toothache pain. Kept asking God to heal and ease pain.

9.45 Just got off phone with dentist office. Difficult conversation – had trouble explaining that I didn’t think the antibiotic was working and needed stronger one. Assistant stuck on not calling in more pain rx. I told her I wasn’t asking for more pain rx. Why should I ask for more if it’s not helping in first place. In tears. Conversations are so difficult for me to articulate most times. Dr not in until tomorrow. Want me to come in tomorrow as walk in between 8am – 10.30 or after 1.30. To recheck.

As for communication, this tbi is really getting my goat. I’ve gotta figure something out.

On positive note, this toothache has caused me to lose 5 pounds in less than a week.

10.30 brain is tired. I’m sleepy. Hands tingly. Legs ache. Rt hip hurting. Low back aches. Neck muscles tight and hard to move. Headache.

6.50p ate dinner and now my toothache is back to throbbing!! Rt ear hurts horribly. Orajel numbing tongue but not toothache.

Friend suggested using vanilla extract to numb tooth. I put dab on finger ans rubbed area around tooth. While it eased the pain a smidge, it numbed my lips and they feel weird.

10.23 vanilla effects didn’t last long. I’m very sociable when I’m in this much pain!!!  Told Joe I’d take recurrent headaches and nerve pain over toothache any day at least those I’ve learned to work through. Severe toothache halts me in my tracts. Ugh!

Lord, I need relief. Help me to get some sleep tonight. Thank you for Your sacrificial love to save a sinner such as I.

Took pain rx, antibiotic, muscle relaxer, & night meds.

11.27 in severe pain cannot get relief no matter what I try. Tongue now feels likes it’s burning. Rt ear throbbing. Keeps popping and making clicking noise when I move jaw. Rt Jaw throbbing. Tongue white coated again. I’m sure it’s from antibiotics. Feels swollen majorly. Biting down shoots sharp pain thru face.

Dec 27

6a- alarm scared me. Took me long time to fall asleep. Went to living room to lay rt ear on heating pad and finally fell asleep. Woke at 1.30 and went back to bed.

10am Joe took me to dentist at 8am. I had to go as walk in. Before we left, we asked God to help me be able to be seen within 20 minutes. God answered our prayers as we were in and out in under twenty minutes! PtL!

I mentioned to her about question I posted lightning strike support group and mentioned what was said. She agreed!! She also said that metal filling usually crack the teeth, but when I was struck the heat from the lightning caused the fillings to expand which causes tooth to crack. It was relieving that she understood and agreed with theory suggested.

I was given stronger antibiotic and pain medicine. Also, not charged for visit.

9.00 went to Sam’s to pick up food items for home. Decided to check pharmacy for prices on rx. Price was reasonable decided to have them filled there. Pharmacist said to make sure I take probiotic or eat yogurt with antibiotic.

10a ate breakfast & took rx.

10.20 starting to feel weird. Nerves in whole body tingling arms are worse tingling. Feeling drowsy, droopy, and dizzy. Toothpain easing. Feel like I need a nap.

1.00p fell asleep for about 1 hour or so. Rt ear hurts. Still droopy dizzy drowsy feeling – torpor (a state of not being active and having very little energy). At least I’m no longer in so much pain that it causes tears.

1.45 stood up to go make sandwich got extremely dizzy and almost fell. Oh, boy. Able to eat a turkey sandwhich with minimal pain. Sitting back down. Not safe right now to be up and around. May need to cut dose in half.

4.00p got word that friend fell off horse and is in ICU. We went to visit her. She’s in so much pain. It pains me to she her hurt so. We stayed a while then my husband said prayer for her.

7.00 ate soft foods for dinner. Have to take meds with food. Within half hour after taking gabapentin I felt very drowsy and dizzy. Conked out.

Scrolled thru facebook. Saw post about Ark Encounter. Made comment that one day I’d like to go with my family and mentioned about my LS. A man had audacity to judge that I had done something horrible for God to strike me with lightning. It angered me. I quickly asked God to help me respond in kindness. My answer was as follows…

Have you ever thought that maybe God allowed it so that I can reach others for Christ that wouldn’t be reached otherwise?

Look at Job. He was an upright man, one that feared God, and eschewed evil (Job 1:1). God allowed Satan to try him and he suffered pain with sore boils that covered his body (Job 2:7). Through his trial he lost everything including all his children (Job 1:17-18), yet Job stay faithful to God. His response was “…the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. (Job 1:21-22).

God is the Master and Creator of everything. It is not for us to question how He rules or complain or judge how He runs it. God’s plans do not always make sense as we endure but once on the other side we can see the purpose was for His honor and glory.

My prayer is God allows me to be used for His honor and glory. Thankfully, He has allowed me to be a witness and a help to others that I would’ve never thought possible. He has enlarged my coast more than I thought possible (1 Chronicles 4:10).

10.00 Joe had to help me to bed so dizzy.

Whole body feels tingly. Tooth hurting. Sharp pain shooting thru jaw. Rt ear aches.

Why does peppermint mouthwash burn my tongue feeling? Tongue still half white with blister looking splotches.

Interesting article – I’m sure my case is quite unique to figure out.

11.00 can feel myself crashing. Good night for now.

Just checked Fb post I commented on. Man with not so kind judgment has since deleted his comment. Hmm. Thank you, Lord, for helping me to return grievous word with kindness.

Lord, please be with that man and help him to be kind to others as You have been kind to us.

♫I love You, Lord, I love You, Lord, Because of Calvary; I love You, Lord, I love You, Lord, You’re everything to me.♫

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