Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 9-10 Jan 2020
Jan 9
6.30 woke up with bad headache & dry socket hurting. Whole body aches. Stuffy nose. I don’t even recall if Joe came to give kiss goodbye. Don’t recall any part of the bad dreams I had last night (that’s not a bad thing though).
2.00 missed my noon nerve pill bc I fell asleep in livingroom. I can tell bc nerves are really hurting.
2.20 went to Publix to pick up Joe’s rx. Girl helping me realized it was me and got excited asked how I was doing. Pharmacist looked up smiled at me said hello. Another tech saw me smiled and said hello. Dezirae leaned in and asked how does she know you? I chuckled and replied you didn’t know your mom was popular? Girl
10.55 scrolling thru facebook came across following:
11.30 there’s a raised mark on my neck lft side that kind of looks like a backwards C that’s been branded on my neck. It doesn’t really bother me except when I look in mirror and see it. I know it’s been there for a while, but I can’t figure out what it is.
Feeling extra dizzy and tired but can’t sleep at moment. Head hurts horribly. It feels like it’s being squeezed. Headache. Whole body aches. Nerves feel like they’re twitching running back and forth in body. I can see what I want to explain but cannot figure how to put to words. Like a live telephone wire and you can see the electricity traveling from one point to another…that’s my nerves feeling in body right now. Neck hurts. Need an adjustment but not sure whom to seek out since Dr Shouppe passed.
Jan 10
6.30 have my alarm set for 6.30 so I can take my meds. I probably should set my alarm for the other times to remind me, but I don’t know how to get it to tell me when to take what. I’ll be glad when I can go back to taking my meds just twice a day and even then I had trouble remembering to take them.
I have such a headache!!!
7.00 got word that a church member’s surgery is at 7.30! Lord, help me to get ready quickly and out the door. Me and mornings don’t cooperate well. Grabbing morning meds to take at hospital. My eyes are little blood shot
7.33 Joe asked nurse if member was in surgery. Nurses about to escort him back to OR. Given personal nurse escort to him. Walking this fast is making my head spin.
7.40 Got to room as Dr was explaining what going on and what he might expect. Dr prayed with them. I was pleasantly surprised. We were able to go in an have prayer with him too.
7.45 sat with member’s wife for a while
8.00 Joe says my eyes look more bloodshot than before.
10.22 got home from hospital. I have such a migraine. Taking migraine pill.
11.00 laying down a bit in dark room to see if I can get rid of migraine.
2.15 woke from sleep. My whole body hurts. All my bones hurt. Lft side of throat hurts – oops no its rt side. Need to take elderberry, c, & zinc since I was at hospital. Don’t want to get sick.
3.49 sitting in livingroom can hear water sizzling on burner in kitchen which tea is brewing. Rt ear throbbing. I dislike having migraines. They make me feel very weak afterwards.
5.26 back to hospital. Joe cooked dinner using air fryer. We’re delivering to wife. Storm storm go away fly to Australia and put out their fires.
Extremity bones ache something aweful. Rt hip throbbing. Head aches. Neck hurts. Lft hand numb and tingly. Lights bothersome. Close proximity to cars make me nervous. Joe preaching at me about fear. Ugh! Not helping. Told him he needs compassion.
9.30 back home. Stopped at store to pick up couple items to finish our dinner. Needed eggroll wrappers. Could only find spring roll wrappers. Dezirae’s a bit skeptical. Told her maybe the only difference is shape.
Got home and found out that was not the case! Spring roll wrappers look like see through plastic. Gross! I’m not eating plastic. Decided to read ingredients. Hmm? Not plastic. Read instructions. Have to wet them to wrap them. Wet first one. Eeww! Feels like jellyfish. Messed first one up bc I let it stick to itself accidentally. Finally got the pepperoni and cheese stick wrapped up. Now to airfry them. Not too bad, but definitely need to locate egg wrappers next time.
Rented a movie to watch as family.
10.20 sharp pains in chest. Hurts so bad its hard to move.