Jan 12
6.45 oh the pain!!! It feels like the lightning finally wants to come out of my body thru my left hand but won’t. It hurts so bad it’s disturbing my sleep.
7.14 fingers in both hands tingling painfully something fierce. Hands stinging. Neck near shoulders throbbing. Back aches.
7.30 sadly the white patches and sores on my tongue are returning. It’s apparent I must swish with peppermint mouthwash 3xs daily.
8.00 Joe suggested that I rub pain rub on hands. Did so & used my fav lotion on top of it. Hands ease pain some but not gone.
8.30 put breakfast casserole in oven to heat up. Trying to get things ready for church this morning.
8.45 remembered I forgot to pick offertories for today. Sitting at piano trying to figure it out. Asking Lord to guide me.
9.00 I’m smelling food? oh, no! I forgot about the breakfast casserole!!! Off I go to check it out. Wheh! I didn’t burn it too bad.
11.00 had trouble with coordination and reading notes to play piano. Trying to play intro to song couldn’t for life of me hit right notes…sounded aweful in my ears!!! Ended up going to begining of chorus to play mostly from memory. Hands hurts so so much!
Lord, please send us an accomplished pianist. Oh, I loved listening to the Swhinshaupt guys playing piano.
12.00 had to reapply pain rub to hands. Joe reminded me that I told him my hands hurt so bad that it feels like they’re being stabbed with knife multiple times.
1.30 got really sleepy suddenly.
2.00 I’ll go take nap in nursery for about an hour. Setting alarm for 3pm.
3pm came and went. Slept til 4pm.
4.30 Main goal today: bulletin board. Dezirae helped me with putting wrapping paper up as background. Joe saw we were having trouble and came to our rescue.
4.45 now to search out the lettering. Ugh! Don’t have enough letters of color I wanted. Now for backup plan (didn’t have one til now. Shh! I won’t tell if you don’t)
5.15 Mom comes to help me with finding rest of letters. Then she helps me put letters up on bulletin board. Thankfully, most are peel and stick bc it’s not going as I had imagined. Ugh! Running out of time before church starts. Will need to just get letters up and readjust later. Well, 90% of board is up. Still need to get/make the snowflakes. Arms are hurting now anyways. Need a break.
5.55 hands stabbing pain increasing again. Reapplying my pail roller blend. It seems to be helping.
6.00 I can’t understand why I can play hymns I’ve played for years. Times I have trouble with coordination between looking at notes, processing, seeing notes, and playing on piano. It’s almost like I have blinders between eyes and hands.
Suddenly got very dizzy & brain clouding it was very difficult to play last 3 hymns. Had to sit few minutes with eyes closed to calm dizziness before getting up to go to seat
6.30 suddenly feel like I’m being stabbed under rt arm pit, but nothing’s there where it’s hurting.
Thankful I can lean on the everlasting arms of Jesus
8.18 before church Mom mentioned she had been watching documentaries on essential oils. Asked her email me link.
Peppermint and orange oil diluted in carrier oil good for reducing fevers. Cool! I’ll have to research combos on that one.
Regaining control of your health: treating disease with essential oils
9.00 muscles in rt side back cramping suddenly while sitting eating dinner. Decided to eat yogurt with dinner. Maybe I need to add probiotics back to my regimine?
10.50 whitish color on tongue has diminished. We’ll see how it looks in a.m.
Upper back muscles throbbing. Middle section aching. Neck aches. Hands swollen and throbbing. Feet cold and achy. Lft leg tingly some. Lft knee hurts. Rt knee outer side itches. Congested some. Sniffles.
In spite of the pain, it’s been a good day overall. Good spirit among the church people. Good messages from the Pastor. Love the hugs from all the kids.
Jan 13 – nothing written