Jan 16
6.30 I think I actually got a little over six hours sleep last night. Took long time to fall asleep. Feel like I was beat up and every part of me is so swollen.
I can choose to wallow in self pity or I can choose joy!
9.00a attending church growth conference with Joe today. Not sure how I’ll do but I’m pushing myself to do it. I love serving along side with my husband.
10.00 Joe & I had good talk on our trip. I miss the one on one with him. Discussed that I probably wouldn’t be as far in my recovery if it hadn’t been for the Lord’s help and my pushing myself more than I probably should at times.
3.41 I’m really hurting. Going to car to stretch out.
8.30 told Joe that Pastor Carr helped jogg a memory from when I was a child. He mentioned “great” preachers of the faith. At some point, Pastor Carr mentioned Carl Hatch. When I heard that name, memories of when as a child my family lived in Fairbanks, AK. Dr Carl Hatch was preaching revival services at our church. He was a singer and preacher. He had a record he was promoting and I wanted one. I remember going home and counting all my money in my bank. I had just enough to buy a record the next night. I was so proud that I was able to get one.
9 30p back home. Good day. Kids glad were home and missed us. Sat in our room chatting about their day for about an hour.
Whole body aches. Headache. Thirsty.
Jan 17
Today we get to do something I’ve been wanting our family to do for while. We are doing a mission project…helping fix up SEAHOPE boat getting it ready for sea.
I don’t know how much I’ll be able to do but I’m here.
Rae & I got to help stencil & paint SEA Hope words on life jackets.
1.30 left mission project. Heading home. I’m exhausted and hurting but enjoyed myself. Feel bad that we didn’t finish assignment. Told her maybe we could come back.
Once home, had to rest a while. Still need to get stuff for Rae’s bday dinner. Guys went hunting.
11.20 I’m so hurting but I can feel like barometric pressure is dropping too. Skin itches all over.
Jan 18
5am woke in horrible pain all over body. Hurts to move.
6am still awake and hurts to move. Decide to read Bible on phone. Sinuses congested and trouble breathing. Tinny taste in mouth. Took napeoxen and benadryl. Deep breathing to relax nerves.
Finally fell back to sleep after Joe rubbed back for long time.
7.00 thunderstorm on it way.
9.30 didn’t plan on sleeping that long. Need to get up an moving.
12.50 brunch at 10ish (couldn’t read digital clock from across room eyes blurry today) decided to start working on bulletin for tomorrow.
4.30 able to post tp blog. Finished up June 2018. Need to scheduled I think time for posting. Wish I knew more how to do things with website. I wonder if rehab tbi could help find scholarships to go to college to help me learn computer stuff?
5.45 Joe asked for paper towel. I knew there was spmething I was foegetting to do. Ugh! Have to run to store.
5.30 had bday dinner for Rae tonight. Invited Puryear, Cole, & Caleb (missionary helper) [P.S. I’m stoked that our family gets to not only serve missionaries but also missionary to missionaries].
10.24 tired till I hit bedroom. Sinuses start acting up like I’m allergic to room. Pain increases when I try to wind down. Skin itchy all over. Rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness and tingling. Upper shoulders tight ans ache. Neck hurts. Nerves pins ans needles tingling thru body. Fee cold.