Jan 19
Woke from strange dream. Arms & hands numb & tingly from middle back neck to finger tips. It’s hard to get up when you’re hurting, but I know that the more I get going in am the less it’ll hurt bc I won’t be focused on it. Today is Rae’s bday. My baby is 15!
10.00 brain a bit slow in SS today. Difficulty figuring out where we were suppose to be in Bible. I was turned to Acts and he was reading out of Luke. Ugh! At least I made class laugh.
12.00 sleepy all a sudden
6.40 sudden bloody nose during service. Had to ask Joe for tissue. Bro. Puryear prezenting Sea Hope ministry and preaching. Gotta get zyrtec…can’t take benadryl more than couple days at a time.
9.45 took missionaries out to dinner at McD’s. Joe saw police officer and went to talk to thank him for his service. I was torn…wanted to join him but not leave missionaries alone. Eventually joined Joe when officer’s wife sat down. Introduced myself. Joe invited them to church. They are actually looking for a church. Hmm? Divine intervention/appointment?
Captain Buddy & Mrs. Mary asked more about my lightning strike recovery. Amazed how I’m still alive and still trying to serve God. Admitted out loud that with the memory issues it’s like my brain has selective amnesia. I have lost whole years. When other Mom’s talk about how they remember their kids doing such and such as when they’re little. I’ve sat and cried inwardly because I couldn’t remember those things no matter how hard I try. Mrs. Mary said I was an encouragement to her.
10.00 Kids want to go back & help on boat. Dezirae started working on some schoolwork tonight so we can go tomorrow afternoon. Needed my help.
10.30 Brr! I’m getting cold. 69° inside. Temp outside 44°. This feels like southern winter weather. Please keep people warm tonight. Please provide the funds the Puryears need to get on the field by Sept 1st.
11.00 did you know that being deficient in B, magensium, D, Omega, and hormonal imbalance can all lead to anxiety & depression issues?
Muscle weakness can be a symptom of fibromyalgia? Who knew?
Jan 20
6.00 Brr! it’s cold inside. Temp on therm says it’s 64°. Funny how our bodies adapt to temp change from season to season. Temp outside is 33°. Lord, please help people outside stay warm somehow. Thank God is blankets.
Wish I could explain/figure out why my hands and arms are painfully tingling when I wake.
7.00 devotions & morning pt exercises.
8.00 Jordon not feeling well. Gave him sick day. Dezirae diligent at schoolwork. Washing clothes in tub hurts!
10.00 tingling pins and needles chilly sensation up and down spine. Weird!
11.30 asked Dezirae to take towels to mom’s to ring out & then dry in our dryer. Still waiting for washer to get fixed.
12.30 trying to gather tax info little each day so it’ll be ready hopefully by end of January. Need to get more organized in little space. Goal to declutter home and minimize this year.
12.57 chilled to bone
3.07 crashed for two hours til phone rang
5.30 just finished putting clothes away. Exhausted. Upper back stinging needle pain with chilly sensation. Done enough today. Trying so hard to come up with meal plan that helps me on tight budget and easy for me to stick with. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down leg. Can’t get comfortable and it won’t stretch loose.
10.20 muscle cramping in sides if I turn too far left or right. Stinging needle pain upper back & shoulders. Skin itchy. Headache slightly. Cold most of day. Back feels like it’s breaking a fever.
Night meds (Propranolol, turmeric, Echinacea, & melatonin). Took naproxen.
10.30 evening pt exercises. VOR exercises still make me dizzy. Seated chin tuck – good for anyone to do to loosen neck muscles. Deep breathing – good for relaxation and calming nerves. Rest of them for strengthening gait, core muscles, stability (Knee Rock, Half Squat, Clamshells, Bridges, Hand to Knee, Rows, Cat/Camel).
Jan 21
6.00 doesn’t feel as cold inside as y’day. Temp says its 30° outside. If it rained it might snow? 59°inside.
Low back & rt hip throbbing. Neck hurts. Muscles randomly twitching thru body. Left arm and hand numb and tingly. Feet cold. Congested. Lower legs pins and needles.
7.30 https://www.triviagenius.com/what-happens-when-youre-struck-by-lightning/
I bet if I would’ve had jewelry on that day I would’ve had visible burn marks on my body. No one even noticed/looked for the entrance/exit wound on my head.
7.40 headache. Morning pt exercises.
10.00 finished prepping for co-op tomorrow. 15 minute clean of fridge – will take me longer but it’s bite sized chunk that will help me feel like I got some housework done today.
I0.40 under covers to warm up.
3.00 kids wanted to go back and help on SeaHope boat. Dezirae & I learned what a lasserete is on a ship. Cool!
4.00 let Jordon drive home. Nerves a mess…wasn’t thinking what time it is. Too many people on road..making me very nervous. rt side cramping most way home. Rt hip throbbing like toothache with pain shooting down rt leg to knee. Low back throbbing. Dull ache all over. Neck hurts. Headache.
5.00 stopped at store to pick up few items. Decided to take over driving. Jordon doing good job even with my nervousness. So proud of him.
At height of my anxiety, it’s better if I think I’m somewhat in control to calm nerves than to go into panic mode and scare all of us. Unfortunately, even I give into the anxiety even while praying Lord please keep us safe.
10.25 skin itchy. Don’t know why itchies come and go. Maybe nerves reacting to weather?
10.50 tired but awake. Whole body throbbing presently. Coolness of sheets actually feel good for the moment.