Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 25-27 Jan 2020
Jan 25
7.00 Alas, I feel like I was beat up bad last night. Every ounce of my being hurts horribly. It hurts to move…even to try to sit up.
Sister msg me to let me know her daughter feeling better. Found chiropracter in country that she’s going to and it seems to be helpful. PtL!
Decided to look up benefits of acupuncture. Skimming through an article…Read some of benefits to Joe. Said maybe it’d help me. I need to be adjusted. Told Joe I’d call Monday to see what Dr would charge.
8.00 Brr! It’s cold outside 37°.
6.45 still ache horribly. Hubby says weather is changing.
11.20 in so much pain…trouble getting at least little comfortable. Stuffy nose.
Jan 26
0600 I like I was in a fight.
0713 adjusting hair off neck it feels like something’s crawling on skin. Collar bones in chest crack. Ough! Headache. It hurts to move.
0800 driving two cars today. Don’t want canvases to get messed up. Buddy put my keys in his pocket. I not know. Searching purse & house. Text him. No answer. Joe called later to let me know. Ugh!
1158 lft arm upper cramping and hurt, low back & rt side throbbing
0130 It’s raining outside. I’m tired, hurting, and sleepy. Think I’ll lay down a bit. Hard to focus on one thing right now.
0330 took me quite a while to fall asleep. Jerked myself awake few times for a moment. If I could get restful sleep I’d feel better.
0620 back really hurting
Jan 27
0700 Rough night but got decent amount of sleep. Strange dream.
0800 I think I know why I’m hurting more. Washer broke (beyond repair…tub inside drum fell off) and I’ve been attempting to wash clothes in tub…only get part way through and have to have kids help. Currently laying down bc my back is throbbing!!! Headache too.
Need a break for while. Life is hard sometimes. Kindness, courage, and love will help.
1000 just finished 2nd load and finally making bed for day. I’m exhausted and hurting. Need a nap. Feet are freezing!!
1100 My parents just fussed at me for washing clothes in tub. Siad its no wonder I’m hurting more.
1137 under covers in livingroom trying to get feet warm. Sudden sharp stabbing pain in top lft ft.
0230 Mom came over to massage my feet using reflexology. She asked if I could feel her massaging pituitary gland in big toe. Only feel pressure nothing else. Says that’s not good
0430 dinner on stove – minestrone throw together
0530 hubby on way home
0555 finall have asl lesson typed up…been trying to put it on paper since about 1145ish…can only sit for piece at time. Vision blurred and brain fogged. Time to be done for day.
0830 decided time to take epsom salt soak since I’m hurting so much it hurts to move. Headaches. Brain fogged & verbage not coming out of mouth right.
0900 tired and out of breath just getting dressed. Still missing my tablet. Can’t remember when saw last or where.
0930 frustrated not finding nor remembering. Oh! I found the mouthwash, nail polish, & polish remover I misplaced over a week ago maybe more. Rae found the other polish remover I misplaced even longer ago.
Found a random lid in livingroom. Asked Jordon if he put away the mushrooms. Jordon replies “Mushrooms?” Oh, I meant to say marshmallows. Ugh. Time for b3d that tells me. Brain I must rest.
1000 must do pt night exercises. It still hurts to move. We’ll see how much I can push through.
1021 pushed through. Quite dizzy. Stinging needle pain in back. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Toes tingling. Tummy hurts.
Ok in am. Pain 5. By afternoon much pain 9/10. Lay down to rest. Deep breaths to reduce pain to 6/7. Headache. Any activity causes much pain & must rest after few minutes or so. Collar bone & chest areas popping cause pain. Costo flairing maybe? Rt hip & low back throbbing!
1050 Is it possible that my pituitary glands were injured in LS causing all the symptoms and chronic pain???