Jan 30
1230a heard strange noise out back of house. Sounded like someone shooting an air pistol. Woke Joe & told him. It happened again. Joe goes to check things out. Didn’t see anything nor hear noise again.
0200 Joe woke me bc I was keeping him awake. Ugh! Awake most rest of night.
0600 finally fell asleep
0700 alarm went off. Don’t want to get up…need sleep.
0800 decide to get up. Whole body hurts. Low back throbbing. Muscles in body very tight.
0154 finally sitting down for lunch break. My entire back stinging needle pain. Brain fogged. Vision blurring on edges.
0715p difficult to focus & see music notes. Look up and away from piano and see two of Joe! Woah! Not good. Need brain rest.
0720 upper back & shoulders throbbing. Short of breath. Actually getting warm.
Worried about my mom. She has migraine like headache. Gave her list of things that help me. Think she may be having allergy reaction to flouride. Praying for healing. Debilitating pain no fun.
Headache, sinus congestion, eyes hurt and sensitive to lights. Loud noise cause my jump. Tongue feels swollen and is lumpy. Sensitive to things touching my skin. Skin itchy all over…getting worse as I’m attempting to relax before sleep. Hands swollen and achy. Upper arms ache & crampy. I’m exhausted and sleepy. Bloody nose slightly. Stinging needle pain in back. Feet cold. Legs ache. Muscles randomly twitching thru body.
1000 I’m plumb exhausted.
JAN 31
0800 entire back in much pain hard to move. Bad dreams. Rt hip hurts. Hands swollen and achy. Feet little stingy. Hands and lft arm numbish upon waking. Hands, legs, back, and toes stinging needle pain.
0830 attempt to work a wordsearch puzzle. Able to find about five words before vision starts blurring. Now have headache.
0900 decide to fold load of clothes. Arms hurt. Hands ache and tingly. Back throbbing. Laying on back to help ease pain. Tired.
1100 bp at pt 112/78. Tis good. Pt apt review exercises to make sure I’m doing them correctly. Checked vestibular with exercises that would make me dizzy. Walk with head to side then turn head to opposite side. Walk forward with bars doing same. Walk backwards. Side in between bars holding try to stand heal to toe while alternating feet…then add turning head side to side. Had difficulty following instructions. Also eyes didn’t want to follow with head – eyes kept wanting to stay forward. Too too dizzy eyes very blurry on edges. Instructed to rest a while til dizziness subsides but don’t close eyes. My brain was telling me it had enough and just go to sleep. It was hard keeping eyes open. Tried fixating on one thing but eyes didn’t want to cooperate. Told that keeping eyes open while dizzy will help the brain to learn to readjust – which in time will help me somewhat overcome the tbi.
0130 think pt was a little intense today. I’m plumb wore out. Chest hurting. Feel crash oncoming.
0500 apparently fell asleep for couple hours. Still tired. Joe ready to go eat.
0600 ate at Newks. It was nice not having to worry about what to cook. Went to Academy’s to window shop afterwards. Rae volunteered to push me in wheelchair. Guys went one way & us girls went another eventually meeting up in hunting section. In clothing section, I saw a woman’s shoe was untied. I was about to let her know when I looked up and realized she had no head – it was a mannequin!
We had good laugh over it.