Feb 1
0130 woke in a sweat. I’m so hot! Had to change clothes but struggled keeping balance
0800 read Romans 5&6 on my Bible app. While it is good that I have learned to adapt by reading my Bible on the app on my phone. Took me long while to figure out why I could do that but struggled reading in a Book I could hold. Due to my eyes skipping from TBI it made difficult to focus let alone keep eyes on same page. Too much reading causes blurry vision and dizziness even today. Praise God I can read little longer now. I sure do miss holding my actual Bible and being able to read it. Goal to start being able to read hand held Bible for few minutes at a time.
1150p wonder if there’s correlation between overtaxing brain and back pain. Only been able to stand maybe five minutes at a time before excruciating pain in back too much. Been sitting on heating pad off and on all day.
Entire back throbbing!!! Headache. Periodic ringing in ears. Hands swollen, achy, & tingly. Skin itchy. Legs ache. Feet freezing. Abdominal pain. Grouchy. Easily frustrated. Blurred vision. Dizzy. Unstable feeling. Lethargic. Left palm itches. Lft inner ear itches. Center of chest hurting.
Feb 2
0600 read Gen 12-15
0630 need to get up to print bulletin. My back is throbbing! It hurts to move.
Putting lunch together in crockpot. Can’t find recipe and can’t remember how to assemble it. Ugh!
0645 printer keeps wanting to jam. Frustrated. Rt hip paining me something aweful! Headache.
0700 oh bother! I just remembered that I still needed to download and print SS lesson for adult class. I’m running out of time. Brain blurring. Leave me alone devil. I’m resisting so flee.
0835 on way to church. Light flashing in between trees are bothering my eyes today…too bright or something.
0900 forgot to pack my music paper. Wrote offertories on it now gotta try to remember them…something about consecration?
Don’t have that book at church? Thought for sure I did. Asked Jordon to go check SS bldg. Asked Rae to help finish getting lunch in crockpots.
0905 Jordon found similar book. Yay! Now to see if something clicks. Finally locate song picked…Zion’s Hill. Brain more blurry & dizzy. I need a rest.
0915 sat down at desk and remembered I need to put SS lesson together. Lord, help me get through this bc my brain is overloaded. Some of papers didn’t copy right. Need to copy back sides. Need to copy whole book and give to teacher to do.
1230 Joe asked me what was matter. Took me a bit to spit it out…I’m so overwhelmed and confused. Not remembering things correctly and it’s upsetting me. Feel like I’m losing grip on hold I did have. Too much stress. Not enough rest time. Don’t need to take on too many monkeys.
My abilities are severely challenged at the moment. Need to rest more. I’m exhausted going to take a nap. Brain swimming.
0350 had alarm set for 3p but I was so tired needed more rest. Laying flat on stomach seems to ease my hip pain some. Suddenly woken by loud chainsaw noise and thump of tree limb hitting ground. Scared me. Hands swollen and painful numb and firey tingling.
0500 worked on writing scripture journaling devotional for blog. This month’s challenging one for me…Peace.
0600 good services and sweet spirit amongst people. Rt hip starting to throb again. Wish I could figure out trigger and learn to adapt better.
1145 rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling. Rt ankle throbbing with some numbness. Toes tingly. Hands swollen, achy with lft hand tingly. Upper back aches with some burning sensation. Brain cloudy.
Feb 3
0745 had rough night. Yrobule getting this morning. Need more sleep. Woke with lftcarm and hand numb and tingly. Center of chest hurts.
1000 started putting dinner in crockpot.
1030 Joe asked to run errand for him when I go to bank. Decide to take soup to couple widows in church.
0500 stop at store to get milk. Chicken on sale $2.90/10lb. Got 2.
0600 burnt the soup! Joe came to my rescue and cooked chicken in air fryer with mashed potatoes and mixed veggie.
0730 I’m plumb exhausted. Feel crash oncoming. Short of breath and feeling weak. Muscle in body burning. Brain tired and foggy.
0930 apparently I fell asleep in livingroom. Joe woke me up to go to bed. My whole body hurts. Realize I forgot to take morning meds. Probably one reason I conked out early. Lethargic. Hurting from head to toe. Stinging needle pain thru body. Just want to cry.
Skin itchy. Upper back stings. Calves burning. Thirsty. Abdomen crampibg. Headache. Hands swollen and achy.