Feb 4
9:30 woke up late. Apparently I needed the sleep. Crazy dreams (bit by tick & got lyme.
Today went smoother than yday though I had trouble staying focused on one task. Brain seems to think I’m so far behind in all my tasks that I need to make up for lost time (2.5 yrs). I know it’s not possible…I’d hurt myself. Still learning where my balance is between doing enough and too much without overdoing it.
Rt hip throbbing. Low back aches. Headache. Tired but wired.
Feb 5
0700 woke tired. Hands tingly.
Bdnf deficiency?
0616 vision blurry and some dizzy. Cheeks burning feeling. Feel flushed. Upper back & middle of shoulder blades burning. Stressed over getting info ready for cpa. Thankful we have someone certified to do it. I’ve forgotten how
Dizzy. Tired. Whole body aches. Thunderstorm caused anxiety to flare but I think I managed okay. Center of chest costo hurting. Shoulders & in between shoulder blades burning. Hands swollen and achy. Rt hip throbbing – chose to walk behind grocery cart in grocery store for few items. Headache. Skin itchy.
Attempted to brain my own hair for first time. Got it done. Bit messy but doesn’t look too bad. My arms and hands are burning & cramping something aweful. Mixed emotions…I want to cry bc it hurts so bad and it lets me know that I’m not there yet, but it make me proud of my progress and glad that I have a daughter who knows how when I want it done next. (Pst I had to google proud emoji. Most of them make no sense to me. Lol).
Current P.T. goal is to work up to 2 reps of 5 each exercise (Chin tuck? Knee rock, Half squat to chair, Clamshells, Bridges, Marker, X to X, Hand to knee push, Rows w/ theraband, & Cat/camel). Feels like a heavy duty cardio workout to me. I’m exhausted, aching, & out of breath by session end but I’m making progress.
Friend shared video of her children singing in church this past Sunday. They were singing “Press On”. I enjoyed listening to uplifting message. I sure can use it from time to time.
It really gets hard to press on towards the mark when you feel all alone in a battle that not many understand nor do I know how to express it in words. How do I help others when or put into words what I’m going through? I just know without the help of my Almighty Father who is with me each step of the way and the loving support of my family I couldn’t have progressed as I have. I lean on the everlasting arms of Jesus. I meditate on His Word. Listen to uplifting, soothing music. I pray a lot. I’m thankful and humbled that God would use me to be a vessel for His glory. I pray that my story will help others to press on and maybe someday the medical field will be interested enough to study this phenomenon out to help others who are experiencing the struggle of surviving being struck by lightning.
“Press On” Lyrics by Selah
- When the valley is deep
- When the mountain is steep
- When the body is weary
- When we stumble and fall
- When the choices are hard
- When we’re battered and scarred
- When we’ve spent our resources
- When we’ve given our all
- In Jesus’ name, we press on
- In Jesus’ name, we press on
- Dear Lord, with the prize
- Clear before our eyes
- We find the strength to press on
- In Jesus’ name, we press on
- In Jesus’ name, we press on
- Dear Lord, with the prize
- Clear before our eyes
- We find the strength to press on
- To press on
1100 still wide awake
Feb 6
0700 rough night. Awake every couple hours. Whole body aches. Hands and arms numb and tingly. Lower legs and feet tingly. Strange dreams. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Headache not easing up. Ears ringing periodically. Legs & ankles burning. Stomach aches. Tired.
1230 just finished gathering items for CPA. Just need two more items. Brain tired and foggy. Vision blurry. Neck hurts. Its thunderstorming now. Away from electronics for a while. Body tensing. Need a break.
0400 letting Jordon drive for practice. Heading to pickup rx before heading to church. Forgot it’s begin of go home traffic. Too stressed to handle it. Jordon doing good job but explained I can’t handle it right now. Took over after pick up rx.
0630 Mom talked about her Chiropractic apt today. Dr did a cranial adjustment. Asked if she could tell difference. She said she felt more clarity.
0725 brain too fogged and blurry to focus on piano. Flubbed horribly but managed to push through song while yelling in my head help Lord I just want to run and hide.
0730 feeling flushed. Cheeks burning. Headache. Rt hip throbbing. Vision blurred. Neck hurts.
1100 lft elbow itches like crazy