March 4
1220a burning pain up and down spine. The longer I lay still the more the pain in body increaseth. Cramping in thighs.
Woke sometime in night to Joe rubbing my back. Must have been moaning bc I’m in alot of pain. Hurts to move.
700a every fiber of my being hurts. Arms hands and feet numbish and tingling like their trying to wake up from sleeping. Back throbbing and itchy. Headache. Chest center hurting. Legs throbbing and cramping. Feel like I’ve been beat up. Eyes watery.
Oh bother. Just remembered I need to type of song services for revival. Coffee cake must make. List of to dos so I don’t forget. First must I read & pray.
0651p usually people with tbi have hormonal imbalance from it.
The healing keys docuseries. Important to get your zercadian rythm back into balance. Get good night sleep. (I do not pretend to know what that means…just sharing things I find.)
1159 whole body aches. Rt hip & low back throbbing. Pain shoots down rt leg. Lft lower leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness and tingling to foot calves crampy. Indigestion comes and goes. Headache. Hands swollen and achy. Skin itchy.
1123p crazy busy day. Nothing went as planned. Hamburger browned in crockpot all day. Was supposed to be gone for couple few hours home to rest then vote and go work on small project at church. Ended up being gone all day.
1st store didn’t have item I wanted. Had to add stop to route. Ugh!
Mailed gift to a friend, but accidentally flipped last two digits on zip code. Mail lady caught it and graciously looked up correct code. Whew! Avoided mishap thank you, Lord. Done that a time or two before.
2nd store had item I was looking for and two liter cokes on sale! Plus! Decided to take over driving bx traffic to getting too heavy for my comfort zone. I’ve already yelled at Jordon to slow down and stop faster. Nerves feel jittery can’t handle it right now. Don’t want to cause accident.
Spent while looking for black lace at 3rd store only to get frustrated bc they wouldn’t let me use my 40% off coupon. Tired to explain that they let me before but manager wouldn’t budge. I left store without a purchase.
Bought a gift at unexpected 4th store for friend’s kids.
Enjoyed much needed rest and lunch with a friend at 5th store. Jordon helped with shopping by taking part of list and getting items too.
Decided to let Jordon take back over driving. I’m exhausted and wearing down.
As leave from 5th store, get text that evangelist is on way. Instead of going home have to go straight to church.
Called Mom to let her know what’s going on and that they’ll have to meet me at church.
On way to church realize that I don’t know if food got put in mission house bc guys decided to handle it. Ugh! I’m frustrated. Brain is foggy and the errands are taking their toll from the day. Quick prayer that the evangelist is safely delayed so I can check to see if everything is a okay.
Get to church remember air fresheners are still in trunk. Have to go plug them in. Discover I bought wrong ones don’t have receipt or time to exchange let alone remember where I bought them. Think outside box and transfer liquid from new bottle to old bottles. I thank God that I bought extra eggs bc there are none purchased. Thank you, Lord! Quick straighten up and proper place food purchased. Mission house ready.
Jordon brought food purchased for Thursday into church while I was in mission house. My kids are such a blessing. Few tweaks had to be made but he did good overall.
Mom arrives. Begin to work on planters. Evangelist shows up. I must greet guest. Kids take over helping mom. We converse for short while and Joe shows up. I’m relieved. I’m feeling the day catch up.
I’m excited about the greenery in pots. They’re hardy plant. Mom’s had them for long time. I need hardy plants. Have difficulty remembering to water plants. Let alone not at church every day.
Got bit by fire ant on inside rt ankle. Feels like somethings chewing my ankle off! It hurts!!!
Finally home around 830p. I’m exhausted and just.want to colapse.
Just realized no fruit purchased? Ugh! I think I need to type up a general food guest list to keep handy for future use.
Whole body aches. Headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders & upper back stinging needle pain. Center back throbbing. Low back and rt hip throbbing. Leg muscles spasming. Hands and forearms stinging tingly. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Feet tingly. Exhausted and hurting like I tried to run a marathon collapsed and ended up crawling just to cross finish line.
Good night.
March 5
0649p Tony Robbins turn your trial into a blessing to help others (not sure what prompted this. I do not even know who he is. Lol).