July 4
830a took me long time to fall asleep last night. Ended up taking a melatonin.
Whole body throbbing like toothache. I don’t even want to get out of bed. Hurts to move.
DHA is crucial for brain health and performance.
850 arms and hands numb & tingly.
1148 full day of business then sweet fellowship at our annual church picnic. Lots of food. Several times I had moments of pure exhaustion and felt as if I was going to pass out. Closed my eyes for few moments and was able to keep going.
Able to finish up weeding flower bed by signage. Didn’t get bulletin board up but I can work on that tomorrow.
In much pain, slight headache, neck hurts, upper shoulders ache, arms and hands stinging throbbing, center chest throbbing, low back intense throbbing, rt hip hurts w/pain down leg, feet achy sting, toes tingling, legs throbbing.
Night meds taken minus migraine preventative. Trying to see if I can wean off of it. Hoping to eventually get off more meds. Took naproxen and melatonin. Had Joe apply biofreeze to low back.
July 5
300 just heading home from lunch. Preacher went long then Joe had to talk with couple that wants to join. Amen.
430p 1 hour nap. Wish it could be longer. Whole body hurts.
729p rt ear throbbing. Very tired. Rt hip throbbing. Arms & center chest ache.
1100p in much pain. Exhausted. Going to bed. Night meds taken.
July 6
700a woke from strange dream to whole body stinging throbbing from neck to toes & slight headache. Hurts to move. Laying in bed for a while.
1050a managed to pull sheets from bed to wash, wash 3 loads clothes, straighten kitchen little, refill pill container for week
Pain is horrible right now and stinging burning with severe exhaustion. Resting for a bit. Took morning meds plus half gabapentin to ease extreme pain.
140 taking gabapentin was dumb. I forgot how much it makes me dizzy & brain foggy. Pain has eased. Feel like a zombiebgabapentin again. Makes you very dizzy, sluggish, feel short of breath, body feels weird, extremely tired, feel drugged, vision blurry, chest hurts,
220 had to get kids to take clothes off line due to thundering and dark skies. Came inside in knick of time. It’s now pouring & thundering.
340 dozed off in chair. So tired. Arms & hands numb and tingly.
900 decided to work on subject for school. Feel horrible when I don’t feel like I’ve accomplished much. This makes me feel better.
Did manage (with the help of my kids) get 4 loads of clothes washed. Just put last load in dryer -I forgot about it until I started going getting ready for bed. Helped Dezirae get team captain badges printed for VBS. Meat for dinner cooked in crockpot while rest of dinner was leftovers from picnic.
Worked on lesson plans for Biology. Not sure how I’m going to work the labs. Need two more books for the subject.
1030 Need to go to bed. I’m hurting tremendously and exhausted.
Night meds & naproxen taken. Applied eo pain roller to bottoms of feet.
Moderate headache with periodic sharp shooting stabbing pains, whole body stinging burning pain. Neck aches. Chest center throbbing. Arms & hands swollen and throbbing. Backwards C still on lft side neck. I’ve treated with all kinds of things but nothing seems to help. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Legs hurts. Periodic random muscle twitching in legs. Bloated. Feel fat. Lft ankle & foot tingly stinging. Toes tingly sting. Brain foggy – though little clearer than earlier today. Skin hypersensitive – my hair feels like sharp needles. Lights bothersome.
1100p checked emails. Downloaded Step by Step Guide on How to Share Your Story. I’ve been told several times I should write a book.