Lightning Strikes – Memoirs 28-30 June 2020

June 28
700a whole body aches. Lft shoulder & lft collar bone really hurt as if bruised deep in the bone. Hands swollen and ache. Headache. Spirits are happy.
1100 very sleepy all of a sudden. Messed up on offertory at beginning. Couldn’t remember tune even though I had practiced this morning plus my eyes, hands, & brain wouldn’t coordinate for about three lines. It gets so frustrating at times, but I’ve learned to play through anyways. Sounds aweful in my ears.
130- 330p took 2 hour nap. Hurt to lay down but I was exhausted.
345-555p worked on installing word program on computer at church, started July prayer bulletin, thought I needed to type minutes but discovered I already had, worked on decorations for VBS, practiced music for pm offertory.
400p sweet husband surprised me with a pretty bookmarked placed strategically on my desk. It took moment to notice whatever different on my desk. Back stepped to see what it was. Awh! How sweet I remarked. He winked and told me he loved me. I loved him too I said. Makes my heart flutter❤.
600 vision seems a bit off but can’t put finger on it. Actually wore my glasses playing piano for first song but then had to take them off. My ears certainly can tell if I hit a wrong note regardless if my eyes, brain, & hands are coordinating or not. Ugh. I keep telling myself that no one will probably notice anyways. Not playing for people but for God. Had random thought it’d be cool if I could just start playing fancy all of a sudden. Lol.
Lft shoulder & collar bone throb if I turn certain way. Hands ache. Rt hip hurts. Low back hurts too.
930 going to bed early. Back to sharing a car until we figure out what to do about my car. 500a comes awefully early and I’m not a morning person.
Headache. Behind ears hurts. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache. Skin itchy. Upper back aches. Low back hurts. Rt hip hurts with pain down leg. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with partial numbness and tingling. Tingling in both ankles & feet. Lft lower butt throbbing. Tummy bloated. Hands & wrists swollen and throbbing. Sinuses congested but easing up since Sahara desert is blown over. feet chilly.
Night meds taken. Naproxen. E.O. Pain roller applied.
June 29
530a have to take Joe to work to use the car. Woke with bunch of energy. First time since LS. Forgot what it felt like. I still hurt all over.though.
640 – 900a washed two small loads clothes and hung them, burnt papers, purified two gallons ofvwater, started rearranging livingroom (I know I’ll feel that one later), ordered the craft paper for VBS – all before kids got up.
945a heading to church to stain porch on mission house, finish prepping house for weekend. Kids helped. Had Jordon weedeat around mission house and sidewalks too. It’s so hot outside I was dripping with perspiration. Yuck.
1200 taking drinks to Joe & Jakob. Did little grocery shopping. Trip to bank. Then home again. Hands and arms stinging. Tried to find vinyl letters for banner but most stores out of stock. Ugh.
230 Need to rest a while and cool off. Starting to feel effects of all the extra effort today. Knew I would.
830 shower and to bed. I’m exhausted but awake. In excruciating pain from neck to toes. Entire torso sever pain making me moan and wriggle. Can’t get comfortable. Shoulders sting. Back center stabbing stinging. Headache strong. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs throb. Toes sting & tingle. Hands sting.
Night meds taken. Pain rx taken.
June 30
500 woke several times during night. Woke one time gasping for air as I woke from nightmare. Don’t recall what it was about. Woke Joe in process. He asked if I was okay. Told him yes it was a nightmare.
550p feeling worn out & lethargic. Bad headache.
930 exhausted. Headache. Whole body aches. Back stings. Nerves prickly thru body. Hands swollen & throbbing. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Rt elbow stinging. Skin crawling causing me to be jumpy. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling. deeply throbbing.
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