July 7
5:30a need to take Joe to work to have car today. I do not want to go to town for shopping bc of mask mandate, but Jordon needs new sneakers.
Whole body aches & stiff. Thankfully don’t feel as bad as y’day. Stuffy nose. Legs & feet cold.
635a back home. Getting under covers to warm up for bit. Need to finish reading my Bible. Ears ringing loudly.
645a upper back stinging
1230 exhausted. Took kids to bank, Sam’s, & Belk. Stocked up on few things for home. Jordon got new pair sneakers on clearance.
Home to eat lunch and I’m exhausted. Need cat nap.
1:00p head to church to put up bulletin board with Dezirae’s help. Picked up life jackets to drop off at ship. Visited with Sister Mary for a bit.
350 heading to pick up Joe from work.
930 apparently crashed on chair in livingroom around 6:30. One time I started choking on my saliva and got a sharp pain in left side abdomen which made me cry it hurt so bad but I couldn’t hardly say what was going on bc of choking. It subsided after a bit and I was able to get sip of water. Fell back to sleep shortly after.
Still feeling exhausted. Whole body aches. Sinuses congested. 8pins & needles feeling all over. Rt ear aches
July 8
700a woke to severe pain in back. Hard to move.
1122p crazy day. All kids worked somewhere today. Wore myself out at Lawana’s. Thunderstorms didn’t help much.
Stinging needle pain through body. Lft leg throbbing.fiercly. trouble falling asleep.
July 9
0530 woke from nightmare. Stinging needle pain through body. Sinuses congested. Hands & arms numb & tingly. Legs tingly.
600 lft side cramping so are legs. Whole body hurts. Hurts to move. Just going to lay down for a bit.
CL-4 can kill cancer cells?
100 Jakob made lunch for him & I. Jordon & Rae chose leftovers.
Worked on lesson plans for little while this morning. Now my brain is swirling & hurts. Vision tunneling. Tired.
Laying down to rest for few moments.
900p simple stretch can calm inflammation in lower back relieving sciatic pain
Strengthening core muscles will help ease back pain.
1130 very tired from the day.. Dr Apt tomorrow then on to make visit to a friend. Severe pain in center of chest
July 10
658a woke hurting and stiff all over. Hurts to move. Nightmare. Dreamt I was running away from something in the heat and sweating profusely. Woke in a sweat and out of breath. Strange.
900a chiro apt. Wind treatment. Migrating spasms. what what isn’t understood in traditional medicine can be understood in Chinese medicine.
Needle placed in middle of forehead, one in each forearm, one each hand near thumb, three each in outer thighs, one each calf area, one each foot- 15 total.
Needle in middle of forehead reminded me about neurologist suggesting botox. I mentioned to Chiropractor. Told him I refused it. He said that botox has been known to help. Asked if I remembered why I refused. Told him that it causes swelling, partial paralysis, and bruising. He said bruising is minor but the paralysis would not be good for me and it’s been
He’s tickled that I’m improving the way I am. good turn around.
130 sneezed which caused sharp stabbing pain in center of chest practically knocking wind out of me. Ugh! Very tired too.
1159p tired but awake. Rt side starting to cramp/spasm – I turned too far. Pain all over. Stinging needle pain. Arms & hands numb & tingling. Tummy hurts aweful. Bloated. St ear hurts. Headache. Skin hypersensitive. Hair feels like sharp razor blades.