Oct 19
129 lft ear ringing.
330p BP 113/83 I’m hesitant about taking Lyrica for my nerve pain. Checked drug interaction online with other prescribed rxs. I so wish I had a medical person I could ask bunch of questions that I trust.
Not liking possible side effects…angioedeme – I’ve already had that problem with one of the blood pressure rx’s. Dr has to change It quickly. Feet & legs swelled quickly making it hard to walk. It was horrible and I haven’t even lost all the weight and have gained much since.
1125a saw fire truck and ambulance coming down rd. Pulled over even though four lanes. Didn’t realize they were stopping near us on opposite side rd. Apparently pick up lost control and flipped up hill hitting a chain fence and landed on its side. Couldn’t tell if anyone was still inside. Scary to think if we left just a few minutes before it might have been us in the accident. Prayed quick prayer for people involved. Shook me up.
245p let Jordon drive home. Bit shaken more than normal today. Do you know how hard it is to let your teen son drive and try to keep cool when you’re freaking out on the inside? Jordon is good driver don’t get me wrong. I get anxious now when Joe’s driving. I know I can quote Scripture like “What time I am afraid I will trust in the.” I know it’s me. I know it’s a result of my lightning strike. I know the Lord is my protector, but I somehow unconsciously am spazing out for lack of control. I just want to scream, duck for cover, run and hide somewhere. I can argue with myself until I’m blue in the face and pass out, but am I really doing myself any good. I think not. Do I know how to fix it? My only answer is meditate upon Scripture, listen to soothing music, and pray until my spirit has calmed enough to feel at ease once again.
330p reached out to old friend that deals with fibromyalgia. Asked her few questions. I’m really doubting taking drug the PCP prescribed for my nerve pain. I’m not liking the possible side effects – dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, weight gain. I already deal with those regularly. Then to complicate matters it has more possible side effects from interactions with other drugs I’m taking – slow your heart rate. This can cause dizziness, or feeling like you might pass out, weakness, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeats caqay cause angioedema, a condition associated with swelling of the face, eyes, lips, tongue, throat, and occasionally also the hands and feet.
600 decided to walk to stop sign and back. Exercise suppose to be good.
830 exhausted and going to bed. Hurting all over. Feet touchy.
930p drink sleepy time tea
1000p getting very drowsy. See you in am.
Stinging needle pain ain from head to toe. Neck hurts. Hands swollen and throbbing. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness.. Stinging left left foot and lower leg.
Oct 20
730 having trouble waking.today. in much pain all over. Trouble getting motivated to get up bc I hurt so much.
Bad headache. Neck hurts. Arms throbbing. Torso throbbing. Hands swollen and throbbing. Low back hurts. Legs ache. Feet sting and throb. Toes tingling. Muscles periodically and randomly spasming through body. Pain about 8/9 level.
Did you know neuropathy can lead to these problems?
Low blood pressure
Gastrointestinal distress
Chronic fatigue
915 decided to try drinking tea with 2 drops copabia oil & honey
330 Had kids work for 30 minutes cleaning up their rooms. Folded a load of laundry and put it away. Hung two suits. Jordon helped move my dresser to retrieve jewelry I dropped behind it. Horrified at how dirty it was behind there. Decided to vacuum.
Afterwards I’m in so much pain I want to cry. Laying down to rest for a while.
500p Thankful that Dezirae cooking dinner tonight. I’m not up to it.
800p decide to soak in Lavendar and copabia Epsom salt bath.
Watched movie called Healed by Grace.
It’s about a young lady who dreams to be a professional dancer but her life is changed drastically after a tragic accident. I cried through alot of it because I can resonate with the girl due to my having a brain injury.
While I don’t question “why?” as I had been praying for God to enlarge my coast, I do have multiple levels of healing I struggle with daily. I do have my moments of meltdown and ask God to please shew me what He wants me to learn through all of this. I do agree that God’s plans are not mine and I’m thankful for how much He has enlarged my coast and the many people I’ve been able to help along the way.
Oct 21
530 Joe decided we’d go work on cleaning out the SS Bldg some. I did my best to help. Joe told me to not do too much bc he didn’t want me to hurt myself.
1000p strange dream. Hurt little less but still in much pain. Nerves stinging thru body. Pain about a 7.
Hurt from head to toe. Took night meds. Forgot to take am meds. Took additional supplements plus naproxen and Tylenol. Drink sleepy time tea.