Lightning Strikes – October 7-9, 2020

Oct 7

530a slept halfway decent. Fought couple times to not fall off bed. Still tired.

630a stinging chilling pain in center of chest. It’s actually cold to the touch. Stinging pain in arms, legs, & feet. Slight headache. Legs throbbing. Hands swollen and throbbing.

Not sure I want to try the Lyrica. Don’t like possible side effects: drowsiness,  dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty concentrating, or weight gain may occur.

I’m already gaining weight. I don’t need to gain more. Plus you can’t just stop on your own. Dr has to wean you off it. Ugh!

655 hands and arms went numb & tingly.

900 finally managed to pull myself out of bed. It’s hard to get motivated in such pain. Took am meds.

1050 brain hurts after working on blog for while. Chilly tingly from neck down spine, hands throbbing, legs freezing to toes – covering up with blanket to warm up. Eyes feel blurry.

1100 put dinner in crockpot – potato corn chowder with ham.

1230 going to sit with LM while Rae cleans. Actually cooked lunch. Googled how to cook meat (hamburger steak). Don’t recall if I ever cooked them. Seems fairly easy.

Asked me to run to store for her as well. Love helping people when I’m able.

445 not feeling the corn chowder. Smell turns my taste buds off. Joe offers to bring home dinner. I gladly accept. Call Mom to see if she wants the chowder. She informs me she’s been sick to stomach all afternoon. Offer ginger capsules and chest to help. Jordon helps carry crockpot over. They are thankful. God had a purpose though I knew not why.

1030 tried to watch Pence/ Harris debate. Harris not answering questions…skirting issues. Pence keeps getting cut off after a minute instead of two, and Harris has two full minutes. You can see the hate Harris has towards Pence – if you don’t like him at least show respect for his position. Makes my nerves on fire. Had to change channel.


Headache, neck hurts, hands swollen and tingly. Nerves sting in back, arms, legs, & feet. Toes tingly. Tired. Muscles randomly spasming thru body. Constipated. Tummy hurts. Skin itchy all over.


Oct 8

1059p almost forgot to journal today. Home alone till noonish. Both kids had jobs today. Didn’t sleep well last night. Slept til 8am. Whole body achy and stiff. Hurts to move.


Managed to wash load of rugs. Fold load of clothes from yday. Attempted to vacuum livongroom but arms fatigued out and had to rest before I could wrap cord and put away. Once rested wrapped cord and arms cramped so I had to rest more. Used Instapot to brown beef for dinner. At church managed to take bulletin board down.


Whole body hurts. Feet & toes freezing on outside & icy to touch but feel like burning inside. Arms, legs, and feet stinging burning pain. Headache. Center of chest throbbing. I’ve overdone it.


 Oct 9

830 rough night. Pain in chest kept me awake. Woke myself moaning couple times. I hurt something aweful all over. Stinging needle pain in hands and arms. Center of chest throbbing. Low back throbbing. Legs ache to bones. Neck and upper back throb. Feel like I was beat up. Stinging needle pain in back.

1100 stopped at store to get few items after Joe’s Dr apt. Joe touched me and it shocked me. He rubbed his hands together saying he shouldn’t shock me again. Wrong! He touched me in middle of my back and it shocked worse that before! I hollered “Don’t touch me. It hurts.”

Just as I said that I was walking near an employee who gave me a rather strange look. To which I responded, Its okay. I was struck by lightning and every time I’m in the store when people touch me it electrocutes me and it hurts something aweful.


Body can feel barometric pressure change from Hurricane Delta. I hurt from head to toe deeply.

Foods that fight inflammation:

930 going to bed. I’m exhausted. Hurt deeply and much. Eyes heavy. Chest center throbbing.

Positive notes: 1. it’s only going to cost about $21 to get Rae’s violin fixed so I am able to keep that promise. Thank you, Jesus. 2. I’ve lost 1 pound this week.

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