Oct 28
12:15 still awake. Trouble getting comfortable. Legs restless. I’m almost to point of crying.
Three things I’m thankful for…1. My family, 2. God’s Holy Word, 3. God’s unconditional love.
745 head pounding. Body freezing. Getting under covers to warm up. Tired.
800 research if you & body temperature irregulation can be related. Yes it can – due to damage to hypothalamus dysfunction.
Found a brain injury blog
*caution there is much foul language which I don’t like.
An egg is one of two perfect foods; it has all the essential amino acids and all the essential fatty acids that our bodies can’t synthesize but require for good functioning and repair plus the latter are needed by the skin for elasticity and moisture. Drink ice water; suck on ice. I tend to push myself, but the fatigue from the brain injury often managed to stop me cold. Pain hurts; fatigue incapacitates.
Note to self: research hypothalamus function & parasympathetic function (these ring bells but not certain why)
825 eating two eggs with red pepper flakes in am to jump start metabolism.
It took 30+ minutes for me to warm up enough to escape the covers. Feet still cold & I feel a bit chilly. Putting on socks.
900 need to work on Dezirae’s grades today. Washed one load of clothes. Bleaching the ring around the tub. Goal today is begin cleaning bathroom. It’s filthy to me. Refilled foam soap dispensers in house & put thieves oil for disinfection.
400 very lethargic feeling and in much pain. Hurricane Zeta about to pound our area tonight. Need a nap.
615 crashed for almost two hours. Woke in time to make dinner. Feel like I could sleep longer. Pain from head to toes.
830 lights flickered
851 stranger yet…lights flickered and half of power went out. Stayed off for about 15 minutes then came back on except window A/C in livingroom.
I do not like storms Sam-I-Am.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere.
Why? It causes changes in the barometric pressure.
This in turn causes me extreme pain and fatigue more than I deal with on a normal basis.
While I’m not in favor of the extra pain, I do thank God for the pain because it reminds me that I’m still alive and God has a purpose to everything under the sun .
Praying all my friends and family stay safe during Hurricane Zeta
1030 suddenly extremely hot and clammy feeling. whole body stings in pain. Low back throbbing. Hands throbbing. Skin itches. Toes tingly. Chest center hurts. Shoulders hurt. Ears hurt. Rt ear ringing.
Drank cup of sleepy time tea. Took night meds plus vitamins. Took naproxen & Tylenol.
Oct 29
750a tossed and turned a lot last night. Strange dreams, but slept hard when I did sleep.
Whole body stiff and hurting. Entire back stings. Hands, arms, and legs tingly. Slight headache. Tummy hurts.
Power flashed a few times during Hurricane Zeta but we still have power this morning. Praise the Lord. Lots of debris all over yard.
1000 decided to work on my blog for little bit.
1215 my parents invited us over for lunch. Sweet.
124 forgot to take morning med/vitamins and I can tell. I’m dragging. Took meds/vitamins. Laying down to rest little while.
200 feeling hot again. Jordon says skin feels clammy.
324 feeling nauceous. Sucking on ginger chew
1145 tired in pain. Headache. Neck hurts. Back hurts. Hands and arms tingling. Hands throbbing. Legs ache & burn.