Lightning Strikes – October 16-18, 2020

Oct 16

830 rough night.

10:00 in much pain – low back throbbing extremely. Headache. Hands swollen & throbbing. Tummy hurts. Stinging pain from neck to toes.


Oct 17

700a broken sleep but slept decent last night. Stiff and achy all over. Slight headache. Slightly nauceous. Ate few ritz crackers and sucked on ginger chew.

1150 suddenly feeling weak and like I’m going to pass out. Deciding to lay down a while.

1130p bulletins finally printed. JDS helped fold them. Low back killing me. Hands stinging and throbbing. Lips dry. Thirsty. Not drink enough today. Don’t remember taking am meds but apparently, I did. Night meds taken + naproxen. Headache. Neck hurts. Skin itchy and. Sensitive. Exhausted. Upper back stinging. Lft ankle has tourniquet tightening feeling.


Oct 18

715 overslept. Headache. Strange dream (trying to help a mother find special needs boy that ran off ended up rescuing a kidnapped baby) Amber alert on phone when I woke that two young kids 2 & 6 were abducted locally.   Hurts to move. Whole body stiff and aching.  Stepped down off bed and it hurt to walk like ankles bones broken and stabbing ice picks in my feet. Eased by time I made it to bathroom but made it difficult to walk at first.

Stressed trying to get ready. Joe does his best to help.

900a arrive at church. Have kids help to get ready. Remembered I forgot to print SS book. Haven’t had chance to practice special music. Running out of time. Had to tell an adult to change her attitude. Joe noticed and tried to help. Told him I’m just stressed to head.

1100 kids melt my heart when they come give me hugs & kisses and tell me they love me especially during fellowship time. It makes me mess up playing piano royally but I don’t mind for that reason.

100p exhausted from morning. Time for nap.

330p gotta get some stuff done. Computer frustrating me because no access to internet and word program won’t let me do anything until registration is complete. Ugh!

Work on pot holders instead. Had Dezirae put up updated newsletters.

745p Dezirae cooked dinner. I helped a little. Grilled cheese and mushroom soup.

1000p time for bed. Exhausted. Brain fogged. Vision blurred for evening service making it more difficult than normal to play piano. Hands and brain just doesn’t want to coordinate. I’m not up to fighting it. Only play one stanza for offertory. Give up tonight. Try again another day.

Hands swollen and throbbing. Center chest throbbing and stinging a bit. Low back aches. Exhausted. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Skin itchy. Jumpy. Muscles randomly spasming thru body. Feet and ankles chilly.

Lightning Strikes – October 13-15, 2020

Oct 13

1000a able to sell chaise lounge within few hours of posting. Suppose to come tomorrow, Lord willing.

1230p have to sit a while my low back is killing me. Pumpkin zucchini bread in oven for tonight.


830p ladies mtg only had 3 in attendance. Good meeting though. Gave ladies a challenge to reach out to our missionary wives to be an encouragement. Also look for things they can help out with around church.

Not gonna deny that I was disappointed the other ladies weren’t there. In time I suppose.

1030 starting a vitamin regimen that’s suppose to not only help get good deep sleep but also lose weight. We’ll see.


Oct 14

700a not sure if I’m gonna handle 10mg melatonin. I had horrible nightmares.

Arms & hands numb. Hurts to move – everything so stiff and brittle feeling. Low back throbbing. Stuffy nose – allergies. Headache. Neck hurts.

Thank you, Lord, I woke another day. Help me to find grace for each hour and may my circle of influence be positive that I may bring honor & glory to You alone.

800 Hot or cold? Body temperature regulation is just another one of those weird migraine symptoms to add to the list.

815p in much pain can’t seem to get comfortable. Tummy hurts. Nerves sting through body.

1100 drink sleepy time tea. No meds tonight. Tummy hurts too much. Sharp pain in low back & rt hip. Stinging needle pain thru body. Headache. Tired. Constipated.


Oct 15

630 woke to Joe still sleeping. Thinking He was suppose to leave soon for work. That wasn’t correct. He was suppose to have already left and be at work. He hates being late. Suggested he be thankful to wake another day.

I’m still very tired, but thankful I got more restful sleep once I feel asleep after midnight. Couple strange dreams. No nightmares. Deep throbbing pain to bones thru body, headache, fingers stinging, low back throbbing, stuffy nose, feet chilly. Rt hip bothering me. Muscles randomly twitching thru torso and legs.

Think I’ll sleep just little longer.

1130 much pain in lower portion of body. Low back throbbing. Legs throbbing. Feet sting. Ankles throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Lft hand numb.

Joe put his arm on my low back to show he loves me but it feels like a ton of bricks and hurts. Only able to take it for few minutes.

Lightning Strikes – October 10-12, 2020

Oct 10

230 trip to Sam’s. Used wheelchair. Dezirae helped with shopping. I’m plumb exhausted. Need to rest a while.

400 actually feel hungry for a change.

430 Joe cooked dinner.

1030 feet freezing. Toes tingling. Lower lft tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling, legs throbbing, low back severely throbbing, rt hip aches, cramping in low back, hands swollen and throbbing, slight headache, constipated, stuffy

Noticed two bumps size of end of pencil eraser on lft side of neck. Put antifungal cream on them. Ringworm on neck & lft arm almost gone.

Took night meds. Hopefully melatonin will kick in soon.


Oct 11

700 rough night. Woke every two hours. When I woke at 6 Joe was rubbing my lower back. Upper back, shoulders, arms, hands, lower legs (below knees), & feet stinging burning pain. Making me feel agitated.

Thought I set alarm for 6:30, but apparently not. Ugh. Neck hurts.

Joe sweetly decided to help prep food for lunch today so I could focus on getting ready. Gave me hug too.

930 Joe decided to take time to brag on me for all I continue to try to do in spite of my ailments and pain. Embarrassing but nice to be thanked.

1000 Realized while playing SS song that I forgot the dessert for lunch today. I just want to fall apart. Lord help!

Do you know how hard it is to keep your composure when you’re falling apart inside?

Brain fog setting in making it difficult to focus and making me sleepy.

1100a oops. Just realized I haven’t taken morning meds. Part of my lack of energy.

1230p getting lunch prepared for us and our guests. I realize I also left the tortilla shells at home. I’m so embarrassed. The guys were already gracious enough to go buy desserts. I now have to go get tortilla shells. I am a mess today. This is only part of what can happen when I don’t get much sleep.

I did enjoy the fellowship.

I’m so scattered brained today. I guess that’s what happens when I get very little sleep the night before beside being emotional and wanting to hide.

245 I’m suppose to be sleeping right now bc I’m exhausted and need the sleep but my mind is going 100mph. Ugh. Deep breaths.

Stinging pain in arms and legs are unignorable.

645 vision & brain feels blurred. Rt hip throbs. Nerves sting. Neck hurts. Low back aches. Hands swollen.


Oct 12

500a woke from strange dream to hands numb and legs throbbing.

600 hands, arms, legs stinging needle pain. Sinuses congested. Eyes watery. Tummy aches. Feet cold but I’m hot. Low rt back throbbing. Tired.


Need alpha lipoic acid 600mg (+?) a day to get relief from burning stinging pain.

Maximum strength nueropathy support formula $40/month supply. A bit pricey for my pocket right now.


800 having trouble waking up…im so. tired



600 crashed for two hours. Woke to arms numb and hands throbbing. Feeling very weak.

724 I don’t feel well. Feeling very zapped and just blah. Think I overdid it today.

Tasks completed:

Managed to balance checkbook (takes me longer than it used to now).

Called Dr’s office & Publix re: Joe’s rxs

Called TBI re: new coordinator. Left msg. (This is concerning bc my old coordinator just set up brain testing for next month. Do. I have to start over again. Is apt still on? Lord, please turn this into a blessing.)

Called Ins Co. re: home & auto ins. (It didn’t even dawn on me that today was holiday until lady answered phone. Then I thought I was talking to answering service. Lady on other end cracked up laughing. I laughed with her but I bet she thought I was nuts. Lol. Hint: sometimes I think I am going nuts.

Washed 2 loads of clothes.

Grocery shopping for vitamins (only bought 1 of 5 needed), milk, butter, subs, & chips. Forgot about the a/c coil cleaner until I saw Home Depot. Had to stop in to get it. Must keep promise when I remember.


Once we got home, I was down for count. Thankful I chose subs for dinner. No energy to cook.


930 remembered we have ladies mtg tomorrow. Can I call in sick? Nope. Hopefully, I’ll feel better tomorrow. Refreshed lesson for little while. Brain hurts time to rest.

1030 I’m utterly exhausted. Touchy. Hurting from head to toe – pins & needles. Low back throbbing like toothache. Hands swollen & achy. Nose congested. Post nasal drip. Skin itchy. Night meds taken. Neck hurts. Shoulders sting. Ankles & feet sting. I need physical deep sleep rest and spiritual recharging. Can feel myself getting cranky. Stomach bloated and aches. Chest center burns.

Lightning Strikes – October 7-9, 2020

Oct 7

530a slept halfway decent. Fought couple times to not fall off bed. Still tired.

630a stinging chilling pain in center of chest. It’s actually cold to the touch. Stinging pain in arms, legs, & feet. Slight headache. Legs throbbing. Hands swollen and throbbing.

Not sure I want to try the Lyrica. Don’t like possible side effects: drowsiness,  dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty concentrating, or weight gain may occur.

I’m already gaining weight. I don’t need to gain more. Plus you can’t just stop on your own. Dr has to wean you off it. Ugh!

655 hands and arms went numb & tingly.

900 finally managed to pull myself out of bed. It’s hard to get motivated in such pain. Took am meds.

1050 brain hurts after working on blog for while. Chilly tingly from neck down spine, hands throbbing, legs freezing to toes – covering up with blanket to warm up. Eyes feel blurry.

1100 put dinner in crockpot – potato corn chowder with ham.

1230 going to sit with LM while Rae cleans. Actually cooked lunch. Googled how to cook meat (hamburger steak). Don’t recall if I ever cooked them. Seems fairly easy.

Asked me to run to store for her as well. Love helping people when I’m able.

445 not feeling the corn chowder. Smell turns my taste buds off. Joe offers to bring home dinner. I gladly accept. Call Mom to see if she wants the chowder. She informs me she’s been sick to stomach all afternoon. Offer ginger capsules and chest to help. Jordon helps carry crockpot over. They are thankful. God had a purpose though I knew not why.

1030 tried to watch Pence/ Harris debate. Harris not answering questions…skirting issues. Pence keeps getting cut off after a minute instead of two, and Harris has two full minutes. You can see the hate Harris has towards Pence – if you don’t like him at least show respect for his position. Makes my nerves on fire. Had to change channel.


Headache, neck hurts, hands swollen and tingly. Nerves sting in back, arms, legs, & feet. Toes tingly. Tired. Muscles randomly spasming thru body. Constipated. Tummy hurts. Skin itchy all over.


Oct 8

1059p almost forgot to journal today. Home alone till noonish. Both kids had jobs today. Didn’t sleep well last night. Slept til 8am. Whole body achy and stiff. Hurts to move.


Managed to wash load of rugs. Fold load of clothes from yday. Attempted to vacuum livongroom but arms fatigued out and had to rest before I could wrap cord and put away. Once rested wrapped cord and arms cramped so I had to rest more. Used Instapot to brown beef for dinner. At church managed to take bulletin board down.


Whole body hurts. Feet & toes freezing on outside & icy to touch but feel like burning inside. Arms, legs, and feet stinging burning pain. Headache. Center of chest throbbing. I’ve overdone it.


 Oct 9

830 rough night. Pain in chest kept me awake. Woke myself moaning couple times. I hurt something aweful all over. Stinging needle pain in hands and arms. Center of chest throbbing. Low back throbbing. Legs ache to bones. Neck and upper back throb. Feel like I was beat up. Stinging needle pain in back.

1100 stopped at store to get few items after Joe’s Dr apt. Joe touched me and it shocked me. He rubbed his hands together saying he shouldn’t shock me again. Wrong! He touched me in middle of my back and it shocked worse that before! I hollered “Don’t touch me. It hurts.”

Just as I said that I was walking near an employee who gave me a rather strange look. To which I responded, Its okay. I was struck by lightning and every time I’m in the store when people touch me it electrocutes me and it hurts something aweful.


Body can feel barometric pressure change from Hurricane Delta. I hurt from head to toe deeply.

Foods that fight inflammation:

930 going to bed. I’m exhausted. Hurt deeply and much. Eyes heavy. Chest center throbbing.

Positive notes: 1. it’s only going to cost about $21 to get Rae’s violin fixed so I am able to keep that promise. Thank you, Jesus. 2. I’ve lost 1 pound this week.

Lightning Strikes – October 4-6, 2020

Oct 4

645 woke in burning stinging pain from neck to feet. Hurts to move. Song flowing in brain “My God is the Rock”. Crazy busy dreams but don’t recall details. Something about moving Zanzibar closer to Timbuktu. Hurts to move.

830 hands and wrists really swollen and throbbing…can’t even wear wedding ring today. I don’t comprehend.

915 Dad & Mom walk in. I chose to make way to Dad to give him a hug. God pricked my heart about showing him love more by trying to make sure I give him hugs when I see him. I regularly give my mom hugs because I see her more, but was slacking in giving Dad hugs.

He just got hearing aids recently so now he can hear better. Hopefully, it will help him perk up more.

1120 headache increases – not able to ignore it. Thinking fogged and blurry. Pain really dragging me down today – burning stinging pain thru body but most prominent in arms and legs.

1230 decided on sheet pan parmesan garlic chicken and veggies. Forgot to make the bread crumbs so had to do without. Made for gluten friendly recipe.

130 by time finished eating lunch felt like I was going to crash. Exhausted.

410 Joe just texted asking if I was okay. Usually return to church by now but just couldn’t muster enough energy to get up.

Replied Just in much pain making me very sleepy. Coming over shortly.

530 watering palm trees on platform noticed they’re growing new leaves. Yay. Finally doing something right. Thought I killed them for their leaves browning. Thank you Lord.

615 playing piano was a workout tonight. Wrists and hands so swollen and hurting that I wish I could open them up to relieve the pressure. Brain and vision feel foggy. Fingers not cooperating.  Couldn’t take the pain anymore. Took a naproxen to take edge off pain.

1130 wide awake. Indigestion. Hurt from head to toes. Tingling in toes.


Oct 5

530 very rough night. Trouble falling asleep and trouble staying awake. Woke every hour and half or so. Exhausted. Thirsty. Stuffy. Skin itchy & sensitive. Let ear ringing. Heart feels racy. Muscles twitching in legs. Toes tingly. Upper body feels heavy. Burning pain in upper back. Chest sore. Rt hip hurts. Elbows, wrists, knees, ankles all are stiif and throb. Exhausted.

730 turned to stretch. Caused severe cramping in rt side making it difficult to move for few minutes. Taking a nap. Tired of the extra pain.

Learned two possible tropical storms/hurricanes may be heading our way this week – Gamma & Delta? May explain extra pain.

Trying to figure out what questions to ask Dr tomorrow. Alot of my symptoms can mean lots of different things. The weight gain concerns me. Always tired. Always in pain. Low thyroid? Premenopause? Hormonal imbalance? Autoimmune disorder? I know I have brain injury and nerve damage which contributes.

1150 my brain is fried. Headache. Brain blurry. Tired. Been attempting to help Dezirae understand Geometry but don’t remember how to do it. Need a rest break. Feeling bit nauceous. Sucking on ginger chew to ease naceousness.

630 severe indigestion. Took gerd pill and two tums to ease it.

Feeling so lethargic going to just rest tonight.

930 exhausted. Gping to bed. Took night meds, melatonin, and applied sleepy lotion. Alarm set. Whole body aches. Neck cramped when I yawned. Ouch! Hands swollen and burning throbbing. Skin itchy. Low back, rt hip, legs, & feet burning throb. Congested. Toes sting. Skin feels like it’s crawling. Muscles randomly twitching in legs. Neck throbbing. Headache.

Took naproxen. I’ve got to get some sleep tonight or I’m going to be emotional basket case for Dr tomorrow. I need some sanity so she doesn’t try to put me on depression rx which I’ll refuse. It’s already bad enough that only I can go in and no one with me. I depend on 2nd person to be my memory. Lord I need grace and help for my hour – something like that. Thankfully the Spirit is ever interceeding.

Tired of the stinging burning pain . It’s taking so much out of me. It’s possible it may last bit longer. We have another Hurricane being watch. Possible predictions to cover on Friday


Oct 6

645 woke from strange dreams to much stinging sore pain out of breath as if I’d been running and feel like I was beat up. However, I did sleep most of night. I’m tired but not exhausted.

800 goal today: clean livingroom

1030 metabolic regeneration (shallow sleep syndrome) age, stress & technology (blue light demolishes deep sleep)

Take supplements 1 hour before bed for 1 week as trial

10mg melatonin

150mg east India Ashwaghanda

100mg Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) (help lose weight, increase serotonin, improve symptoms of fibromyalgia, reduce migraine frequency, can promote sleep)

200mg L-Theanine (natural stress reliever)

50mg Magnesium

15mg Zinc (healthy immune function)

1200mg Arginine (relaxes blood vessels)

1200mg Lysine (reduces anxiety)


1150 items picked up in livingroom. I’m ready for nap. Need to lay down a while.

200 Dr apt. BP 106/75, hr 75,  Weight 213.8 Pain level 6.

While Dr isn’t being aggressive in trying to help, she is starting to listen and ask question. Dr also had NP I think she’s training to help her. Brought paper with questions so I wouldn’t forget to ask. She read them and answered them. Explained I wasn’t trying to be a hypochondriac in saying I had these things just that these questions came up in research and I’m trying to figure things out how to heal naturally at best if possible.

Asked me what my most pressing symptoms are right now. Told her the burning stinging pain in arms, legs, & feet. NP asked if I had an appetite. No. Are you eating? Yes, but sometimes I have to be reminded. Told her about chiropractor treating gallbladder liver channels about three wks ago and now craving certain foods but not all the time. Constipation? Yes, but when I go too long I take D.E. which helps. It’s all natural. Ok. Good.

Asked about chest pains. Yes. Yes? I have costochondritis. It’s a dull ache on rt side right now. Gets worse the more I try to do. Just trying to learn limitations and push little harder to get better.


  1. Could the LS have triggered an autoimmune disorder?

It’s possible but not likely with me because all my bloodwork has consistently come back in normal ranges.

  1. Could I be experiencing preimenopause?

What age did your mom go thru it? Early to mid 40’s. It’s possible bc majority of woman go thru it about same time their mother’s did.

  1. Mom reminded me that my grandpa had spinal muscular atrophy. Do I need to be tested for it?

Not likely I have it because it mostly genetic and I would mostly likely already been experiencing symptoms prior to the LS.

Rt ear looks much better. Ringworm looking better. Not gone all way so keep applying cream until it’s gone.

Asked if I took gabapentin. Yes, but it made me more dizzy. Started with small dose and tried to increase but made me too dizzy and kind of loopy. Kind of loopy? Yes. What about Lyrica? No. Would you be willing to try? I guess. We can see how I react to it and go from there.

Lightning Strikes – Oct 1-3, 2020

Oct 1

7745 Decided to change out sheets and bedding on our bed. Took me an hour. My arms are fatigued. Upper body throbbing. Out of breath and exhausted. Need to rest before attempting next task.

400p Had decent day. Enjoyed listening to music on spotify. Washed 4 or 5 loads clothes (lost count). Had hand wring out two loads – washer only spins temperamentally. Folded two loads. Washed few dishes. Put dinner in crockpot.

1000 exhausted and hurting from head to toes. Going to bed.

Oct 2

650a woke to severe pain. Sinuses congested. Nerves and muscles screaming and stinging from neck to toes It hurts to move. Joints very stiff and hurt to move. Mine eyes watereth and I feel like crying. I suspect an Epsom salt soak in my activities today.


800 chiro apt. Gave update about gurgling noises in gutt and intestines and starting to crave pudding and oranges. Suggested I increase my vitamin C. Curious about the pudding craving. Could be either sugar or milk.

Acupuncture treatment with heat lamp on back. 14 needles (2 ankles, 2 back of knees, 2 low back, 2 mid back, 2 upper shoulders, 2 back of base neck, 2 hands) [ KI3, KI10, GV3, GV7, TW15 , GB20, LI4 ]. Skin hypersensitive – feels like spiders crawling on me. 1st needle felt like lightning shooting from lower leg to toes. Made eyes tear. Ended up leaving tear spots on the paper because I started crying.

Applied pressure to several pressure points. One in my tushy he pressed the longest. Said that one was a foundational point. Commented he could tell I was in severe pain today. Adjustments to ankles, legs, rt hip, back, and neck.

Electrical gadget to measure flow of electricity in hands, arms, feet. Some areas way more active than others. Says I’m improving but current is definitely not balanced in body yet.

1030 exhausted and tired. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to foot, whole body aches, hands swollen and throbbing.


Oct 3

645 woke with sharp pain center left of back – feels like I’ve been punched hard multiple times. Whole body stiff and hurting with stinging burning pain throughout. Headache Mild/moderate.

Honestly when I wake in moderately severe pain it’s really tough to motivate myself to get out of bed.

100p sudden craving for corn chips. Probably means I’m dehydrated. Need to drink more fluids.

334 exhausted from grocery shopping. Remind me to not shop on Saturdays. The crowds increase anxiety.

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