Hope in God
Lightning Strikes – 29-30 November 2020
Nov 29
630 woke from strange dream to mind racing and out of breath.
Hands and arms stinging. Legs & Feet stinging. Tummy aches. Back throbbing. Tired. Lights bothersome. It’s a rainy dreary day.
Psalms 136:1 – O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
945 brain feels off today. Not certain how to explain but it’s like having dizzy blurred vision, but my vision isn’t blurry. Eye glasses are actually not helping much. Keep having to take them off.
Hands so swollen my wedding ring is cutting circulation off hand.
1130 tummy hurts. Had to make run to bathroom.
1200 simple lunch today…spaghetti with meatballs
330 Rae & I work on the Blessing Bags for First Responders.
430 play practice. Bumpy. Mom thought just two practices would suffice. Had to tell needed more. Seemed she didn’t like that.
500p choir practice. Hiccups there too. Frustrating. Choir not in sync during certain phrase. Jordon & Dezirae trouble singing next to each other. I tried to make suggestion which rubbed Joe wrong way making him mad at me.
Called to office for him to jump on me for telling what to do. I tried explaining my perspective which just made it worse. Resorted to yes sir and whatever which just made it worse. I apologized for his taking it wrong but I wasn’t sorry for what I said. Made it worse. I just shut up. Nothing I’d say would appease him. Wrong time to pick a fight.
1000p exhausted. Joe apologized on way home. Told him I knew that when I gave migraine I am grumpy and feel like the world is against me and just want to go to bed so I figured that no matter what I said it would just rub him the wrong way. He agreed.
It’s been raining all day and storming periodically. My body feels it and my inflammation is up. Mom suggested I take turmeric. Told her I already take 800mg of turmeric a day. She didn’t know what to say.
Whole body stingy & tingly. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Head itches. Feet freezing. Sinuses congested. Legs ache and have periodic stinging needle pain.
Nov 30
550 Joe scared me twice this morning already…first grabbed my foot to ask me where his work boots were & second to come tell me goodbye. Second time I was reading about parasympathetic vs sympathetic state.
“three stress responses in the body, or three areas of the brain that are correlated with stress. There’s the autonomic nervous system, which is the sympathetic-parasympathetic state. There is the limbic system, which is kind of our fear center. And then there is our endocrine system, or a part of the brain called the
hypothalamus that triggers our adrenal glands to release the stress hormone cortisol. So it’s a combination of
kind of trying to quiet all three of those. So the melatonin, or circadian rhythm blend, that addresses the endocrine system. And then the parasympathetic blend helps to address the autonomic nervous system.”
730 so tired. Legs burning pain. Arms stinging tingly pain.
1100p exhausted and hurting all over. Stinging burning pain. Ringworm back on lft side of neck. Started rx med. Ugh! I don’t understand.
Lightning Strikes – 27-28 November 2020
Nov 27
700 woke from a nightmare. I woke wanting to cry. I was so relieved to see Joe in bed next to me I wanted to cry all the more.
800 I hurt all over. It hurts to move but thankful for my loving husband.
900 family going to pick out Christmas tree at Ramsey Farms today. Excited bc we never did this before.
Took us an hour to pick out a tree. My steps quickly got slower as my legs got tired and began to get weaker and my rt hip throbbing. Joe graciously went back to car and brought it to me so I wouldn’t have to walk farther.
200 Rae & I decided to go get lights and skirt for tree. All our current strands only partially work.
Took me 45+ minutes to decide which lights to get. Also got materials to make some of our own ornaments
730 Joe offered to bring home pizza for dinner. Yay! I hadn’t even thought what to cook. My brain is just a blur and I’m exhausted and hurting. It’s been storming off and on all day which had increased my pain levels to max. He’s a keeper.
1020 pain is at a max. I hurt so much I just want to cry but my brain is so foggy feeling that it doesn’t know to cry. Nerves sting and burnt throb thru body. Chest hurts – rubbed heaping glob of Vicks on middle of chest and lower back of neck. Nerves itchy feeling. Night meds taken + cbd softgel.
Nov 28
600 woke from crazy dream to heart & mind racing
1155 decided to sort thru Christmas decorations while putting ornaments on the tree. My back is throbbing
1118p need to go to sleep. I’m exhausted. Hoping marmalade will set.
Gauged lft index finger and didn’t know I did until I saw a pool of blood on my finger.
Body stinging. Hands burning throbbing. Shoulders stinging burning. Slight headache. Noticing lately having trouble with words – finding right words to say what I’m thinking. Night meds taken.
Lightning Strikes – 25-26 Nov 2020
Nov 25
230a woke in excruciating pain! Sharp stomach pain. Back and forth to toilet for about an hour until pain eased and intestines were emptied. Fell back to sleep after 3am
600a in midst of crazy dream being a taxi driver for a some woman to visit with old friends. Crazy adventure.
Woke in great pain all over. Overdid it yday. Sharp pain in chest lft side, lft wrist & forearm- like I sprained it. Whole body throbbing.
Kids have dental appointments this am and I don’t feel like going anywhere let alone getting out of bed. Lord I need Your strength and power and grace for each hour.
750 busy day has wore me out. I don’t even feel like making the pies tonight. Feel beat up. No energy. Chest hurts like I pulled muscles. Tummy hurts. Need a nap.
1047 woke from nap about 930p forced myself to get up to at least finish the cinnamon rolls for the fridge for morning. Washed up few dishes. Indigestion. Forgot to call Dr office about rx.
Applied Vicks to chest to see if it’ll help ease soreness In chest overnight. In getting ready for bed, discovered I took my meds backwards today (pm then am instead of am & pm). Ugh. Took pain rx. My body is intensely throbbing from neck to toes. At least headache is minor. Praying for good restful sleep. Need a pillow speaker with timer. Is there such a creature?
Nov 26
700a Slept decent when I did sleep. Woke at 3am. Body was stinging fiercely!!
Read Bible. Prayed.
Arms & hands tingly like waking from sleeping. Not a good feeling to wake to. Left side more intense than right. Whole body aches and it hurts to move like I was on verge of rusting in place and need to oil my joints and moving parts to get moving again.
I think the Vicks worked because my chest doesn’t hurt as much this morning. Yay!
Need to bake cinnamon rolls & cook Conecha Bacon. Make sweet potatoe pie & pecan pie – one of them needs to be gluten free. Need to make the Crescent Rolls. Joe is deep frying the turkey this year. PtL!
1130 I am pooped out. Need to rest a while before dinner. Whole body throbbing. Hands stinging burning.
Took about 20 minute nap.
130 I’m pooping out. We haven’t even eaten dinner yet. Kids have been very helpful. Company should be here shortly.
830 started thunderstorming just as I noticed it was raining it thundered and lightning. I jumped bc it startled me and my nerves went into fight & flight mode! This is not helping.
1100p overall it was good day. I’m so sore all over. Nerves stinging all over. Whole body aches. Rt hip throbbing. Neck hurts. Feet freezing.
Night meds taken. 1 CBD oil capsule 125mg taken. Still not sure about taking them or how much dosage to take but it’s worth a try.
When You Can’t See God by Carrie Roman
Lightning Strikes – November 23-24, 2022
Nov 23
500 slept over 10 hours yday and feel like I could sleep longer. Whole body aches. Headache slight.
700a Fellow shock/lightning survivor shared this picture explains para and sympathetic nervous system
Back stinging chilling sensation. Started in middle and gradually covers entire back and shoulders. Weird. Thirsty like I’m dehydrated.
1100 decent day though had nagging headache I can’t seem to shake. Headache got worse while watching A Christmas Carol – the scene where all the bells were ringing. I had to cover my ears it hurt my inner head so bad. Lights bothersome. Head pounding. Took migraine rx. Whole body throbbing. Took night meds. Tummy hurts.
Nov 24
500 Migraine has eased. Still have headache. Hands tingling and on fire. Arms throbbing horribly. Feels like I did extensive workout but haven’t. I only cut up 8 oranges for marmalade last night.
800 whole body hurts. Tummy aches. Sinuses congested. Muscles randomly spasming through body. Need tonget more magnesium. Need to figure out which kind.
900 friends came over to help with cleaning up my parents yard since my mom hurt her knee. Took pain rx to help me last longer thru day.
I used blower. They raked and picked up piles and dumped them. Had to stop several times to rest in between. Parents were surprised. They made us lunch. It was a good day. Ended up counseling with a neighbor in midst of it but she needed someone to talk with about what was going on with them. Gave her a hug.
1000p I’m feeling my efforts from today. I hurt from head to toe. Headache. Chest hurting but not too bad. Definitely no lifting tomorrow.
Holy cow! I got recvd email from Dr Z’s team that they appreciated my email response to recent article. I wrote thanking him for article about CBD oil as it helped to clear up some issues. I also shared a little bit about my being struck by lightning and how Dr’s don’t understand how to treat and my need to research how to heal on my own.
“Thank you for reaching out to the Natural Living Family’s Customer Happiness Team. We appreciate your email feedback and you sharing that you were struck by lightning, wow! I am sharing your email with Dr. Z and our team.”
I don’t know if anything else will come of it, but I’m stoked that awareness is being shared about lightning survivors.
Praying God will use this to help bring awareness to needs of electric shock & lightning survivors around the world.
Magnesium Citrate – mental and muscle relaxation
1022p keep getting zapping feelings jolting through body as I trying to relax to go to sleep. ugh. Doesn’t feel good.
The Old Rugged Cross
God Rejoices Over Thee
Lightning Strikes – November 21-22, 2020
Nov 21
Rough night again. Overdid it yday causing extreme pain in evening. Made it difficult to fall asleep. Awake til after midnight. Woke every two hours. Woke in much pain! Must remember no lifting, rest, light loads, no hanging clothes, use heating pad, and anti-inflammatory aids. Need to start taking D.E. daily to aid healing.
1200 it’s been a stressful morning. Tried to register MS word on church computer only to real8ze I forgot power plug. It’s not a normal plug so OlInhave to wait to get it at church.
Put together a birthday pkg for Jakob. Attempted to click n ship but the USPS system glitched causing error and not allowing me to print label purchased. Had to wait for almost an hour to talk with a person to help me figure out how to get my label printed. Ugh!
Dezirae did awesome job on homemade pumpkin pies. Can’t wait to taste them.
I’m in much pain and exhausted. Need to lie down and rest a while. Tummy hurts. Face flushed and feels hot.
Learned last night checking drug interactions that I shouldn’t be taking prednisone & naproxen because it could cause “increase the risk of side effects in the gastrointestinal tract such as inflammation, bleeding, ulceration, and rarely, perforation.” Would explain why my tummy/abdomen has been hurting more and why I’ve been burping and passing gas much more.
If you’d like to check interactions between drugs you take, check this site out.
930 discovered someone put turkey on wrong shelf to thaw and it bled all down the fridge. Yuck! Had to clean it out. Yuck! Yuck! Now my chest is throbbing again.
1124 vitamin that reverses numbness & tingling
Will have to read later when I’m not so tired.
Headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs ache. Lower let leg chin down to foot tourniquet tightning feeling wit numbness & tingling. Feet ache. Center of chest throbbing. Skin sensitive. Noises bothersome.
Nov 22
700 some days when I wake to much pain I think it’d be nice to not have pain at all. Then I think if I didn’t have persistent chronic pain I’d probably not pursue researching how to diminish pain. Or have the knowledge to share in helping others.
I hurt from head to toe. Several very tender spots.
Excited about Thanksgiving Dinner at church for lunch today. Praying the people we invited come as well.
1230 Joe put Jakob on FaceTime call to have hole church sing happy birthday.
27 people total in all services. 7 visitors – 2 were brand new. Oh, I forgot to get TJs address. He needs prayer. In similar situation as Chuck was except lost part of rt leg from being run over by motorcycle. Lord, please protect him & provide his need.
440 I need to lay down a piece. I feel a crash oncoming.soon. Can’t push anymore.
900 wow! Surprised I slept that long. I could sleep longer. Forcing self to get up to check on family. Most of food put away. Joe had kids do it. Awh! I ache all over but will push to finish putting rest away.
1000p ready for bed. Pushed long enough. Exhausted and hurting all over. Headache. Neck hurts. Upper Back stinging. Lower back & rt hip stinging throbbing. Legs ache. Random muscle spasms through torso & legs. Feet ache. Arms deep bone ache. Feel like I’ve been through a battle. Tongue white patch front center, lesions on back half, and feels bit swollen. Need to get more peppermint mouthwash.
I can tell I’m out of magnesium…my muscle spasms are kicking it up a notch. Amazing how one vitamin/mineral or lack thereof can affect the whole body.