Nov 1
630 I’m exhausted and hurting – stiff achy muscles. Lyrica makes me thirsty -feel like I can’t get enough water. Arms & hands ache. Back chilling stinging. Legs & feet ache. Feet tingling and stinging little. Headache. Woke from nightmare.
Feeling a bit off and little dizzy. Not taking am dose.
Joe asked me to cut his hair. Thankful Jordon bought me new lighter cord free Clippers. Messed up and had to fix it to look like flat top instead of buzz cut. Ugh!
Headache. Little dizzy.
1100 extreme trouble concentrating playing piano. Rt hip throbbing. Back hurts.
1130 getting extremely sleepy.
130 delivered food to a member that’s sick – not covid. He was very appreciative.
200 Needed sugar & tea bag for church. Stopped at store. Joe gabbing so I lifted sugar and has of pickles from lower shelves now I’m paying for it.
About had panic attack because I couldn’t find my glasses. I thought they were on my head. I feel stupid know bc they were on my face the whole time. Lol.
On way home, Joe and I got into discussion about a house color on way home. I thought the lighter color was green at one time but now it looks cream/beige color. Joe insists it’s still green. Asks if I need my eyes checked. Told him, “Probably, but oh well.” My eye problems aren’t from my eyes but others issues I’m dealing with. A regular eye Dr is not going to help and I can’t afford the specialist.
I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Ugh!
Laying down to rest a while.
Headache. Back stinging burning. Hands throbbing. Chest throbbing. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Legs ache. Feet ache.
345 could sleep longer
1015p watching video about fibromyalgia & drug study about lyrica & neurotin.
Dr Joe Childs, functional neurologist
Sympathetic nervous system over firing (stuck in fight & flight mode)
Nov 2
500a woke from bad dream. Headache. Chilled. Whole body aches. Upon standing feet felt as if standing on chards of glass making it difficult to walk to bathroom.
630 decided to wash load clothes and burn papers. Wore out. Out of breath. Need to rest.
700 forearms, cheeks, top of hands, parts of back feel hot to me but rest of body chilly. Neck hurts. Ears ringing.
Managed to get two loads washed & hung. Burned papers, and straighten living room before tuckering plum out.
800a LM called explaining she was in dilemma and asked if I’d take her to her Dr apts today. Told her I would.
230p She treated kids and I to lunch at Cracker Barrel. We thanked her. Took most of day taking her to her appts. I’m flat wore out.
Did manage to write devotional for my blog while waiting during her appts. That’s a plus. Have to wait until I get my laptop back in order to finish though.
500p I’m past tuckered and hurting all over. Joe graciously made his own dinner while I sat and explained what happened though not in order.
730p yawned and muscles in lft neck started cramping. Ouch!
900 slight bloody nose most of day. I’m exhausted. Stomach hurts horribly as if going to explode. Whole body aches. Congested. Back stinging. Ankles & feet tingly. Hands swollen & achy. Low back throbbing. Legs ache. Lower lft leg tour tightening feeling with some numbness & tingling. Neck hurts. Skin sensitive.
Think I forgot to take my am meds. Oh bother.
950 front of both legs and feet are stinging & burning like they’re on fire. Naproxen taken.