Nov 23
500 slept over 10 hours yday and feel like I could sleep longer. Whole body aches. Headache slight.
700a Fellow shock/lightning survivor shared this picture explains para and sympathetic nervous system
Back stinging chilling sensation. Started in middle and gradually covers entire back and shoulders. Weird. Thirsty like I’m dehydrated.
1100 decent day though had nagging headache I can’t seem to shake. Headache got worse while watching A Christmas Carol – the scene where all the bells were ringing. I had to cover my ears it hurt my inner head so bad. Lights bothersome. Head pounding. Took migraine rx. Whole body throbbing. Took night meds. Tummy hurts.
Nov 24
500 Migraine has eased. Still have headache. Hands tingling and on fire. Arms throbbing horribly. Feels like I did extensive workout but haven’t. I only cut up 8 oranges for marmalade last night.
800 whole body hurts. Tummy aches. Sinuses congested. Muscles randomly spasming through body. Need tonget more magnesium. Need to figure out which kind.
900 friends came over to help with cleaning up my parents yard since my mom hurt her knee. Took pain rx to help me last longer thru day.
I used blower. They raked and picked up piles and dumped them. Had to stop several times to rest in between. Parents were surprised. They made us lunch. It was a good day. Ended up counseling with a neighbor in midst of it but she needed someone to talk with about what was going on with them. Gave her a hug.
1000p I’m feeling my efforts from today. I hurt from head to toe. Headache. Chest hurting but not too bad. Definitely no lifting tomorrow.
Holy cow! I got recvd email from Dr Z’s team that they appreciated my email response to recent article. I wrote thanking him for article about CBD oil as it helped to clear up some issues. I also shared a little bit about my being struck by lightning and how Dr’s don’t understand how to treat and my need to research how to heal on my own.
“Thank you for reaching out to the Natural Living Family’s Customer Happiness Team. We appreciate your email feedback and you sharing that you were struck by lightning, wow! I am sharing your email with Dr. Z and our team.”
I don’t know if anything else will come of it, but I’m stoked that awareness is being shared about lightning survivors.
Praying God will use this to help bring awareness to needs of electric shock & lightning survivors around the world.
Magnesium Citrate – mental and muscle relaxation
1022p keep getting zapping feelings jolting through body as I trying to relax to go to sleep. ugh. Doesn’t feel good.