Nov 27
700 woke from a nightmare. I woke wanting to cry. I was so relieved to see Joe in bed next to me I wanted to cry all the more.
800 I hurt all over. It hurts to move but thankful for my loving husband.
900 family going to pick out Christmas tree at Ramsey Farms today. Excited bc we never did this before.
Took us an hour to pick out a tree. My steps quickly got slower as my legs got tired and began to get weaker and my rt hip throbbing. Joe graciously went back to car and brought it to me so I wouldn’t have to walk farther.
200 Rae & I decided to go get lights and skirt for tree. All our current strands only partially work.
Took me 45+ minutes to decide which lights to get. Also got materials to make some of our own ornaments
730 Joe offered to bring home pizza for dinner. Yay! I hadn’t even thought what to cook. My brain is just a blur and I’m exhausted and hurting. It’s been storming off and on all day which had increased my pain levels to max. He’s a keeper.
1020 pain is at a max. I hurt so much I just want to cry but my brain is so foggy feeling that it doesn’t know to cry. Nerves sting and burnt throb thru body. Chest hurts – rubbed heaping glob of Vicks on middle of chest and lower back of neck. Nerves itchy feeling. Night meds taken + cbd softgel.
Nov 28
600 woke from crazy dream to heart & mind racing
1155 decided to sort thru Christmas decorations while putting ornaments on the tree. My back is throbbing
1118p need to go to sleep. I’m exhausted. Hoping marmalade will set.
Gauged lft index finger and didn’t know I did until I saw a pool of blood on my finger.
Body stinging. Hands burning throbbing. Shoulders stinging burning. Slight headache. Noticing lately having trouble with words – finding right words to say what I’m thinking. Night meds taken.