Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 24-25 January 2021
Jan 24
1149 almost forgot to write today. Had very rough night. Body had trouble regulating temperature making me very uncomfortable and difficulty staying asleep. Forgot to take last night’s meds. Woke up coughing but not as bad. Whole body normal pains. Muscles randomly twitching through body. Multiple headaches some near migraine.
Decided to finish up Scripture Journaling for month but scheduled post for next month as to ease stress. Only could work on it half hour at time then rest for hour or so bc each time increased headache. Looking forward to Neuro test results in hoping it’ll explain why concentration on things increases headaches.
Sporadic coughing through day. Took cough med for bed. Drank bunch of liquid which caused multiple runs to bathroom.
Spent half hour working on college class – Doctrines of the Bible. That gives headache too – reading and answering questions. Ugh. Something I have to work through. Taking Excedrine migraine to see if it’ll ease headache.
Used my nasonex to dry up sinuses.
Jan 25
112a wide awake. Purposely didn’t take nap so I’d be tired even after unrestful sleep yday. Ugh!
Turned to try to get comfortable. Ribs on lft side got caught taking breath away with pain. Once I got them loosened muscles in lft started cramping. Got them calm and did same thing to rt side. Ugh.
954 CDC says that a person after 14 days is no longer contagious even if they have symptoms. Nurse said she tested positive 21 days afterwards. She waited a week then tested again and was negative. Just because you test positive doesn’t mean you have it. It just means they detected virus proteins. Frustrating.
Testing a theory. I’ve been using nasonex (1 spray each nostril in pm and only in am if needed). Used it last night and this morning. Retested this morning. I can come out of quarantine after 1/27. Joe can come out 1/23.
700 suddenly feeling lethargic. Temp 99.5.
1100 fell asleep now awake but tired. Heachace. Neck hurts. Body aches more than normal. Hands throb. Feet tingle. Lower left leg numbish & tingling. Cough. Took cough med over counter. Night meds. Vitamin C 2k mg & zinc. Using Sleep lotion.
1130 bottom just dropped out. It’s raining hard. Taking Tylenol & melatonin.