Jan 30
800 strange dream. Woke to both arms and hands numb and tingly. Head itches. Used let hand to itch but couldn’t feel hand itching. Felt weird. Neck hurts. Sinuses very congested. As I was sitting up collar bone and upper rt arm cracked. Ouch! Headache. Body itches. Eyes watery. It’s cold.
Haven’t done good job taking morning meds this week. Missed three days. Gotta try to do better.
Morning meds:
Edarbyclor 1/2 pill, propranolol 20mg 1 tab, Dexliant 30mg 1 capsule, Echinacea 400mg 1 capsule, B12 500mg 2 tabs, B6 100mg 1 tab, Vitamin C 1000mg 2 tabs.
100 church errand to find greenery for platform & a trophy. Found greenery at Hobby Lobby at 50% off. Yay! No finding trophy. Ugh. Will have to improvise – think outside box.
Mom says my numbness & tingling in mornings is symptom of fibro. Curious is the LS triggered auto immunity?
330 need to pull more yard debris to road. People finally coming tomorrow to pick up debris from the hurricanes last year. Have huge pile. Neighbor, Mom, & Dezirae helped.
500 freezing sensation in center of back. Had Joe check if it was discolored – no, but it’s icy to the touch. It’s so distracting.
1130 started load of towels too late in day. Waited to put them in dryer.
Headache. Sinuses congested. Post nasal drip. Hands & feet throbbing. Sharp pain shoot up forearms. Neck aches & stiff. Low back aches. Sides crampy. Skin itchy.
Jan 31
630 whole body sore, center of chest aches, legs ache. Feel like I was beat up. Joe sweet to rub my legs and back but it hurts so much. Nightmare – being attacked by octopus.
Took all my energy to get ready this morning. Exhausted. Headache.
Anxiety – accidentally discovered that squishing something while riding in car helps keep me calmer. Dezirae found Yoda squishy toy at thrift store to help.
1120 it’s a blessing to be in church with family. Missing several people due to sickness or surgery recovery.
I get so frustrated at myself bc I royally messed up playing piano. Forgot tune of first hymn then totally hit wrong keys. It sounded aweful in my ears. I keep playing though bc I remember my piano teacher as a child told me to just keep playing even if you mess up bc most people in the audience won’t know you did anyways.
I am so tired. Eyes are heavy. Brain hurts. Eyes & brain feel blurry. Need a nap.
300p nap time didn’t go so well. Body in much pain. Hypersensitive. Joe was trying to help by rubbing back but the weight of his hand was making me hurt more. I wanted to lash our irrationally but didn’t. Just as I was falling asleep he’d put his hand on my back to rub it. It would scare me awake. Repeated several times. I gave up trying to sleep. Ugh. So tired.
1058 body hurts worse…pain is intense. Weather is changing. Wind is at 25 mph. Rt hip and low back throbbing. Hands & wrists throbbing. Center chest burns. Legs ache. Feet throbbing plus stinging tingling. Headache. Shoulders sting. Neck aches.